Edit 2: I'm surprised this video is still getting views. Because of this I came back to say that I no longer believe in this comparison but this is one of my more views videos so I ain't removing it lmao
Edit: I'm probably going to remake this with my revised set of points to evaluate.
Just felt like saying: In a 1v1 the Gripen does out turn very well, but if you look at everything from closer up things like thrust and weaponry come into play and I personally think the MiG-29G does better in those cases. But yes, I do personally think the gripen has the best dogfight flight performance.
Gripen is the better plane tho most of these things seem irrelevant
Problem with gripen is you have to get close to the target with out getting hit by a long range missel. If you know how to dodge missels its ez
instant turn matters on the speed, at mach the gripen may be bad but when its slower it gets loads of AOA
promise me when eurofighter comes out you test gripen versus eurofighter
Thrust to weight and speed doesn’t matter as much as counter measures
Then you have me beating a F16 and an A10 in a 2v1 with my german Mig21 🗿
Maybe with the a variant but with the gripen c it dominates every time coming to battle with some of if not the strongest radar missiles in the whole game.
Gripen is a bit more modern i think. Imo it would win
Actually the weapons depend on the situation but in the all around the gripen wins cause it gets fox 3s and invisible missiles
Gripen is a great plane becuase its a jack of most trades master of most
Yeah the missiles are ehh and the amount you get is whatever but whats more missles gonna do when you have teammates who are aslo hungry for kills, in the gamemode where you cant respawn
Mig 29 is the pride of the soviet union!
Gripen overpowered almost 5th gen but still a fourth gen
bro has never had a dofight against a grippen
Но почему-то все говорят что j39 лучше, и при этом грипен просто унижает мигаря
What is difference between insantaneous and sustained turn rate
This is quite inaccurate seeing as how the Grippen was made to stop a Russian invasion
Respect for the edit but Gruppen is objectively better because of 9m’s and better turn radio is because the numbers lie and gripes has guided bombs and mavericks
Ima go vulcrum none of y’all facting even if y’all are respect to those who actually facting. Y’all stop hating on Russian jets if they are manufactured superior than ur western jets y’all gotta respect that