Wuthering Heights - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis

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From plot debriefs to key motifs, Thug Notes’ Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Summary & Analysis has you covered with themes, symbols, important quotes, and more.

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This is real, proper education, something a lot of schools don't get. 


This was bloody hilarious. When he described Heathcliff returning as a rich folk, I laughed for 2 minutes straight


My teacher shows us these videos... teenagers will listen as long as it's entertaining.


In my opinion, this novel has the most profound expression of love that is to be found in literature; namely, when Catherine says 'I am Heathcliff'.


"Catherrine decides she gunna marry him, even though she don't love him... SKANK" - Hahaha, love your work Sparky :)


This is my favorite novel of all time. I've read it throughout different periods of my life, and enjoyed it on so many different levels each time. Thanks for covering it.


I just finished this book today and I love how melodramatic it is. It's like a soap opera and it's fucking AMAZING. Cathy is at best the perfect encapsulation of "first world/self-inflicted problems" and at worst a downright sociopath who uses emotional manipulation and threats of ill health to get her way. Heathcliff seems sympathetic until he starts sipping the haterade. And Edgar, while pitiable for getting stuck in a loveless marriage, often comes across as the stereotypical rich guy who doesn't realize how condescending he seems.

In short, the three main characters were all terribly flawed in wonderfully entertaining ways and Cathy and Heathcliff's relationship shouldn't be held up as a poignant, tragic, "Oh, if only they could be together!" kind of bond. Both are horribly abusive to each other. I wasn't rooting for them to get together; I was wanting Heathcliff to realize what a selfish, self-pitying bitch Cathy is and for him to move on and possibly find someone else. He had the right idea to get out of town at first. A pity he didn't stay out.


I respect this guy a lot. Keep up the good work!


More than halfway through the book and loving it. It was one of the classics I never thought I'd read, but after a friend recommended it I'm pretty invested. Now THIS is a real tragic romance. They were only together after death because of their greed and selfish stubborn natures. It actually almost made me tear up reading how Heathcliff despite being rude, ill-tempered and selfish showed his tender side after seeing how sick Cathy was 😭😭


Schools would be better if there were more teachers like this, or if teachers were allowed to teach like this. Thug-notes is more concise than Cliff-notes and maintains intellectual vitality instead of delivering diluted droning drudgery of most synopses.

I have no idea of who this man is or his background, but he certainly is one of my all-time favorite teachers. Entertaining, informative, original and absurdly funny, he captures the essence of literature vividly, without pretense or dogma. His stage persona is calculated to defeat dogmatism at its roots. He gets to the root of every book faster than any other literature resource I know; fast as a nine-mill cap in yo' ass. 

This is not only one of the best channels on YouTube. This is one of the best programs in the history of programs.

The Well-Read White guy
AKA Learner-Learns


The whole 11th grade had to read an abridged, simplified version of Wuthering Heights as outside reading and took a test on it. And everyone got so confused with the whole taking each other's names and surnames and mixing them up to create new names, and depressed as sh*t with all the deaths and the downfall and the revenge lolol.
I was good at English so I write a 10-page casual summary in our mother tongue for a friend, and my friend went and circled it all over the class and the school lol. In conclusion, most of the students hated the story. Well, maybe in part because it's in English, too. But for me, despite all the darkness and confusion, I love how things come full circle in the end. I especially love the poetry of how Hareton and Cathy, who went through the same things as Heathcliff and Catherine, could finally end the cycle of hatred and destruction by forgiveness and understanding in the end.


I’ve never heard classic literature described in such a hilarious, contemporary, and clever way. Well Done


'sippin on the haterade' omg XD


Honestly, I've always thought that if you can't explain literature this clearly and relatably, it's because you don't understand it yourself. I thoroughly despise teachers who insist literature must be perceived and discussed pompously. I mean, hell, it's natural for me to talk pompously, but I totally admire and accept the validity of Sparky's style of communication. Teachers should get over the concept that there is only one right way to communicate. As long as the concepts are clear, the student should get the best grade and not be yanked around for his language.


Man, this story is more than a good read. Its actually relatable as hell


I don't get the hate, I loved this book!


My class read this last semester, and we all HATED it, so as a reward for getting through it, our teacher let us watch this video in class. We all died laughing at this part:

"Catherine decides she's gonna marry Edgar even though she don't love him. Skank!"


Every time I watch these videos for AP Lit, I understand the book better. Truly a hero.


I'm always surprised at the subtle symbolism and metaphors you find in these novels that often go over the heads of even the most versed of readers . Well done!


this...honestly was the most helpful thing...
