Veganism Is A Privilege That Is Not Accessible To All | No Offence But…

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In this week's episode, Maddie discusses some of the sociological and economic barriers that prevent people from adopting a vegan lifestyle.


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During the war meat was a privilege. People grow their own veg in their gardens but now governments are unfairly subsidising animal farming (which isn't sustainable) and more people are returning to growing their own foods.

She keeps talking about eating disorders, I'm wondering if she's projecting her own failures?


So let me get this straight. I live in a council flat with no carpets, no curtains (I'm having to use a bedsheet given to me by a friend in my bedroom), had to get all my furniture from freecycle/charities and rely on my family to buy me a cooker so that I could cook...but I can still be vegan. My existence disproves this video! And not every vegan is shaming non-vegans and veganism itself doesn't either. Fruit, veg, beans, rice, pasta are all cheaper than the meat anyway.


I was in a volunteer program and we lived off <$1 a day per person. The most efficient way to do so was not buying meat and cheese. Most people who say this shit just use it as an excuse, although it's definitely true in SOME cases (like third world countries and food deserts).


Eatting Meat and dairy is an expensive privilege that is not accessible to all!


Maybe put out a video with ACTUAL, FACTUAL INFORMATION. Because this had none of the mentioned.


Ahhh yes, that 11p banana I ate for breakfast is really going to cut in to my money for the month


I've heard this before and it usually indicates that while someone thinks they might like to - or should - go vegan, what they really are looking for is an excuse not to. My shopping costs dropped by a quarter and all I did was replace meat etc with cheap, readily available pulses and legumes. Having said that, mock meats are indeed expensive (the closest in texture and flavour) so I just... eat them occasionally (rather than a like for like replacement then wonder why I have no money left!). This vid is simply akin to saying "I'd give up smoking two packs a day but can't afford or get easy access to nicotine replacement therapy". The core motivation is missing.


Rice, beans, potatoes, pasta, noodles, root vegetables, lentils, chickpeas, spit peas, bread. Us Vegans dine like kings on our cheap as chips, bread line.


in parts of the world people are so poor they can't afford to be fat


Rice and chickpeas are just so fkin expensive!


I went camping last weekend and my brother made two dishes, the vegan one cost £20 and the meat one cost £54, I think you'll find that vegan food is alot cheaper than meat, you just have to look at the right places


Veganism is most definitely not a privilege, It’s a privilege to eat fried chicken and a fat steak lool.


A vegan lifestyle is accessible for all of us in developed countries and would help save lives and the environment..


Yes because fruit and veg costs more than meat, what a load of bollocks!


1) literally the definintion of veganism says this. 2) veganism has helped me with my eating problems, I also know many people that can say the same. 3) you dont need fresh fruit and veg to be vegan. 4) veganism isnt a diet, it's a moral structure. A big percentage of people that dont want to give up animal produts can but wont. Their barriers are 'they cant be bothered'. /// honestly, feel free to eat animal produts, just dont act like you cant for what ever reason, don't lie to yourself and other.
I donate vegan friendly items to food banks, a lot of non-vegans have knocked me for this... honestly, you didn't say anything original or new. These are old arguments... anti vegans hardly even touch them anymore. The argument 'I dont care' is clearer, more honest and a better argument that what you were trying to say in the video.


So Yesterday I bought a 1kg sack of spelt here in Italy for 2.15 euros. 400gr of lentils costs me 1.60 euros. Throw in a few vegetables and I could literally live off that for the whole week. That's not even the price of a piece of steak. My parent's generation ate meat once a month because they could not afford it.


Consumerism markets veganism as a luxury lifestyle because our food industry is so heavily reliant on animal products + gp have a negative concept of vegan foods, seeing them as overly expensive when infact forgetting the mainstream brands it can be quite cheap


I lived below the poverty line my entire life and my family is on universal credit and I’m still vegan. I don’t care if u eat meat or not but this is dumb af


Where did the BBC get this healthy nutritionist? I wonder where Maddie gets her guilt free slaughtered animals, secretions of a sexually abused mothers and eggs from exploited, neglected hens?


I disagree whole heartedly, the fresh fruit and veg thing is true of all diets not just vegan diets. Issues surrounding food need to be addressed yes and veganism is a great chance to really do your own education on diet and nutrition. It’s cheaper than regular diets, especially if you stick to whole food diets such as grains/rice/beans. I think a lot of these things are quite silly excuses when considering some people physically can’t eat plant based due to digestion issues etc.
