【Meme Map - COMPLETED】

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It's a MAP but made out of MEMES!!!
I'm so happy with how this map came out, every single part looks fantastic and could be its own standalone meme and I'D BE OK WITH THAT!! Huge thankyou to everyone that took part, you guys are fantastic

I hope everyone had fun making their parts bc this was supposed to be a fun MAP to host and to work on, and for me it definitely was!!

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This map kicks SO MUCH ASS oh my goodness! Everyone's parts look great and when you combine it all together it's just a high energy treat from start to finish! <3


A great map with a great message of letting people do what the hell they wanna do <3


gahhh this was absolutely amazing and made me so happy to watch and listen to!! everyone did an outstanding job and it all looked so great together TuT
seeing everyone's creative efforts just fills me with joy <3


I never thought I'll enjoy watching 6 minutes of basic moves with mostly headbobbing
But holy shit i did and it was amazing, everyone did a great job!!


WOW I love this so much! Everyone did AMAZINGLY and in spite of the negativity aimed towards memes, I'm glad we all had FUN making them! Thank you for letting me be a part of it! <3


This was so much fun to do and its awesome seeing everyone's OCs aaaa 💖 Thank you so much Chii for putting it together! You could almost say it was a very... memeorable... map



YAY oh my goodness I am so happy to be apart of this. It turned out incredible and you did amazing work by putting it all together and hosting it, Chii! Absolutely wonderful <333


THIS CAME OUT SO GOOD And to be honest I think the fact that there's more of an emphasis on the editing and composition made it all the more engaging! Those are some key components that can make or break a work and yet it's frequently glossed over..I certainly learned a lot from working on my part (and also reliving joys of tweening omg) SO THANKS SO MUCH FOR INCLUDING ME AHH It was an honor <333


This was such a nice and overall fun MAP! I'm so glad that we got the best of both animation worlds! Thank you for letting me be part of this!!


Turned out wonderful, and I love the message you're sending out. Memes are fun, and no one should down someone for having fun! 💜


This was really great to watch! It FELT fun you know? And even though there were lots of parts it didn't feel lost on incoherent! A really pleasant time! Thanks everyone!


Thank you Chii for hosting! Glad I got the chance to not extend my abilities all the time, but instead tried for something simple (which was actually a challenge).


I LOVE THIS!!!! Oh man this was so fun to watch! Everyone was so creative with their parts, what a lovely MAP


A map or a large meme? Scientists can't tell


AHHH MAN this was so much fun to watch, it looks so awesome!! :D Thanks for letting me be a part of this map everyone did a super job!! <3


This came out so nice!! I've been excited about this MAP for awhile and it felt fun and relaxing to watch! And I'm really surprised my part made the thumbnail!! ;w;

And just a lil mini rant, and to the people they may be prone to complaining.

OF course everything is prone to criticism, including memes! Most memes aren't very original, but a lot of old memes weren't either. But by that default can you say you can't enjoy memes because of that? Of course not! And people can make repetitive unoriginal memes to their heart's content, you can encourage small fun things along with encouraging extravagant and complicated things. In fact I'd advise that, I don't think memes ultimately hinder someone artistically if they want to expand their horizons (speaking from experience), but I do think they few who act condescending and rude towards the learning artist doing this kind of content do more damage than any "unoriginal meme" or "simple meme" ever could. So ultimately, I think it's really unhealthy and ridiculous to always expect that BEST and MOST ORIGINAL content out of an artist considering they are only human and can only do so much of that in a given time.

tl;dr: enjoy the fun, simple things in life


I love this map so much because of how it's so clear people had *fun* making their parts. I wish people wouldn't bash others just because they make memes. We just want to have fun animating, how are we hurting anyone? Yes, it's good to make original content once in awhile, and yes, it is annoying when an original idea is turned into a meme, but honestly? Just let us have our fun. Everyone's part turned out amazing, and I really hope everyone will be a bit nicer to meme makers :D!


this turned out this was such a great idea for a MAP and it turned out so great omg


This was incredibly entertaining to watch!! Thank you for letting me be a part of this <3


It's sad to see people already arguing in the comments but besides that fact it looks awesome : D!! Had a lot of fun doing something different for a change! Who said that simple meme-ish headbob-y content can't be fun?
