RoboCop 1987 - Büste/Bust - 1:1 - #1 Helm/helmet - Papiermodell/Papermodel #papercraft
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Hier zeige ich den Bau des ersten Teils einer fünfteiligen Büste von RoboCop aus dem Film von 1987. Zuerst habe ich den Helm gebaut, den ich zweimal angefangen habe. Den ersten Helm habe ich mit 80 g Papier versucht, was nicht funktioniert hat. Den zweiten Helm habe ich dann auf 120 g Papier gedruckt, was wesentlich besser ging. Auch hierbei habe ich nur die nötigsten Knicke ausgeführt. Leider wurde der Helm nach der Lackierung dunkler als gedruckt. Mal sehen, ob das zu den anderen Bauteilen passt.
Here I show the construction of the first part of a five-part bust of RoboCop from the 1987 film. First I built the helmet which I started twice. I tried the first helmet with 80 g paper, which didn't work. I then printed the second helmet on 120 g paper, which was much better. Here, too, I only made the most necessary kinks. Unfortunately the helmet became darker than printed after the painting. Let's see if that goes with the other components.
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Here I show the construction of the first part of a five-part bust of RoboCop from the 1987 film. First I built the helmet which I started twice. I tried the first helmet with 80 g paper, which didn't work. I then printed the second helmet on 120 g paper, which was much better. Here, too, I only made the most necessary kinks. Unfortunately the helmet became darker than printed after the painting. Let's see if that goes with the other components.
Die Foren in denen ich aktiv bin: The forums I am active in:
Music: Epidemic Sound