Kazrog - True Iron Transformer Plugin Review

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True Iron is subtle, it is only going to blow you away if you know what you are listening for. Some listeners won't hear a difference and others will hear a big difference. Either way there is a difference and that difference has always been hard to achieve in the digital world. I feel at £40 this plugin is priced correctly. It's simple and doesn't have too much functionality. But the one thing it does, it does incredibly well. I have lots of analogue equipment with some of the best transformers built into them. The plugin doesn't replace them, but what it does do is give me an option in the box to add that special tone I get so easily out the box.





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Great vid, thanks for rocking with us!


Bought it a couple months ago. Has been on everything I've done since. Very good plugin for sure


I started using spl iron all the time cause of your review - man, that thing really works, just adding it a bit here and there on your tracks, that has made a lot of diff to getting a pro sound - im gonna give this one a go now ... keep it coming


Tried out the demo, listening on Audio Technica ATH M50X monitors. I never purchased it as I preferred the smoother sound with it bypassed. Received an automated request for review from their website. I gave it 2 stars, a bit misleading how my honest review doesn’t show up on their website but 5 star reviews posted later than mine are shown. (Edit: Kazrog have since responded and posted my review)

I even ran the thing on multiple channels to try and hear an accumulative effect and I’m totally not sold on it. My recordings are mostly analog and stated in the review that it’s probably better for electronic music.

I did however purchase and vouch for the Avalon 747SP. This I absolutely love!


First Welcome back Paul!!! Is a great plugin, always in my mixes in busses and also individual tracks. You are absolute right about the sutle, but you can notice it when you bypass it.
The other examples that i use are the Omega Series by Kush and also the P42 by Pulsar Modular.


Kazrog does good work. Their Avalon 747 plugin is outstanding.


I use it and love it! So good.
It feels a lot like what happens when I put my drums through (for instance) a really nice transformer pre-amp.
Super useful tool


A great way to test subtle plugins like this is to use it the DAW Reaper. As far as I know True Iron does not have a delta mode, but Reaper allows you to delta any plugin. I find that listening to the delta primes and trains the ears over time to hear the subtitles such as plugin would add.
Great review!


All Kazrog plugins deserve attention. These guys don't disappoint. Oversampling really makes a huge difference.
I'd recommend trying synth warmer as well, and Avalon. Just my two cents.


I'm listening on $7500 HiFiMan Susvara headphones.
I couldn't hear any difference on the first example. The second example, I heard a 2% difference only in the top end. 3rd example, a 10-20% difference.
I was tempted to pass on this plugin.
But then, you hit the x2 button at the end! And wow, there it is!


Love the comparisons on your websites! I own this plugin. Will give it another go.


Good to see a video. I hope you are doing well Paul.


I’m glad to see a video again. A Wes Audio ng Tube EQ review would be nice 😊


Had this for a while now. It does it's thing and it does it well!


Thanks for the vid. Would you put this on pretty much every track, and have the sound compound, or just on the master channel?


I use it to make software emulations of old synths ever so slightly more physical sounding. It seems to work well for that when put at the beginning of a processing chain. I like that it’s very subtle compared to something like Decapitator or most console/preamp emulations, I find it adds just enough sparkle when I don’t want full on grit. Unfortunately at the moment it’s very unstable on Mac OS, I don’t know if it’s just me but it crashes Live constantly and is quite a CPU hog for how subtle of an effect it is.


Hey, I just wanted to say thanks very much for the audio examples on your website! It's extremely helpful to be able to toggle back and forth between active and bypassed. I hope you'll do this with more plugins and hardware in the future too.

Also, apologies if you mentioned this in the video, but do you tend to use this plugin on individual tracks or on busses?


Hey, I have a question bro. Is putting a stereo tube preamp on the mixbus a good idea coming out of the box, or should I just get a variable mu compressor instead. I know both would sound great but which is more beneficial.


I want to be able to tell what its doing, do you pay attention to the highs, or lows?
Its so subtle i can't tell what its doing.


Just downloaded the demo..sounding really good on some finished mixes!!..think i will get it. :)
