♥ LoL Commentary - Playing the Meta? - Sp4zie

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i like watching sp4zie because of many things but also because he makes his subs and viewers feel welcome and is actually interested in the topic. there are many youtubers who dont seem to care at all. good job sp4zie and keep it up....thumbs up :D


Yesss i was watching old sp4zie videos and then this was here


I'd like to confirm something:
Indeed, imo, normal games are REALLY made for fun. I mean, I see winning normal games more like a "bonus" really.
If you wanna be serious, then go ranked.
If you wanna train on being serious, then go teambuilder or draft.
So yeah, basically, I really wish more people understood this and could stop raging everytime they don't win.

PS: However, it's not an excuse to troll and annoy your allies, have fun if it makes your 4 other teammates have fun too.


I often find myself becoming frustrated not with picks but with the mentality of my teammates. I have fun when I win games or when I do really well for myself, but when my teammates aren't communicating or using their brain it makes me mad. Thanks so much for these awesome commentaries! It makes me want to get back out there again with a positive attitude!


I just wanted to thank you, Spazie. You probably wont read this, but since I have found your channel, it is my goal to go into any game with your mentality. It even helps me with "real life" problems  in some kind. Im really happy to be one of your follower. Dont get me wrong, I dont see you like a god or smth, just someone with a good mentality and friendly behaviour. 
I would love to meet you one day and just thank you IRL. You helped me a lot, not just cheering me up with your videos. :)

Greeting from Germany :)


I completely agree with you. I love to dabble in and outside of the meta. The reason I do is because the champions I love to play fall on both sides of the fence. It is important to have fun playing what you picked, if your fun relies solely on whether you win or lose, you'll be disappointed and frustrated 50% of the time. However, I found what you said about teamwork and champion familiarity very interesting, and completely true. Players get accustomed to playing with a certain champion pool, and when something from out of the blue comes along, it's harder to play to the strengths of the team, and that can be frustrating.


Dammit Spazie. You told everyone my secret pick that i use to win pretty much every matchup.
People now are so not used to Shen Renekton Nasus in top lane, so they make mistakes. They just forget how much those champs can survive.
I love using those champions agains Rivens. Riven players are just so impatient and pissed at you that they keep fighting, diving and trading even tho it puts them more and more behind just because they are so used to spam Q and win trades. Their mind can't handle the fact that they lose 1v1 trade cuz "Riven op m8".


Earlier in my League career I used to buy champions just because of their splash art, which led me to awesome times with Vlad and Malzahar and some other champs. Or I just see others playing a certain champion and I think "hey, that one looks like fun". I did pick up one champ though because he was considered strong and that champ was Thresh. It was the best decision I could've made. I really got hooked on that champion and most of my latest Support games (this year there have been 2 support games with other champs) are as Thresh. I basically think that in the low elo that I'm playing in (something around silver) you can just play anything and if you're good enough with it, you will be successful since players in that elo usually lack the knowledge and/or awareness to exploit the weaknesses of the champ they just counterpicked. I have a friend who got himself out of Bronze by picking Nasus or Tryndamere early and destroying Teemos left and right. And Silver is not different at all. The only difference is that a lot of people in Silver consider themselves low elo gods or something because they "are not Bronze".


A little story of mine about how to have fun again in LoL: As you mentioned in your last commentary video I think, you begin to play im teambuilder, so you can play whatever you want and that makes you more comfortable and happy. About a week ago I played with 3 friends of mine in Teambuilder cause I wanted to play that AS-Kennen Top with Nashors and lichbane and rylias and and and :D In this game I had so much fun and actually carried together with my friend who was in mid the game. After that we played 3 Ranked Games which we all won and I'm pretty sure it was because of the good start we had. So thank you spuuzie to teach me how to have fun again in League :)


Okay Sp4zie This should be important to you :)

After watching your video i thought of "How will your and the enemies team act when they have a very friendly mate/enemie?"

I picked a champ i wanted to play cause of Fun and i usually dont play. So i picked Anivia.
Then we started. i wrote "Okay bros and sisters have fun! And i dont wanna see a "That team..." "reported" or something like that. Let's have a fun game ^^"
So we played. I always said wp after ganks even it wasnt a kill, said good job for nice kills, said ty for every blue save or teamwork. My team wanted to help me everytime and noone was toxic. Someone asked me if i'm a girl cause i was so friendly x) So she played and played and at the end i asked my and enemies team "Do you enjoy the game?" In my team everyone said yes they do. But in enemies team noone said something only their toplaner. He said "Not really :/" i asked why and he said "Well, adc feed" I explained him, that this is a normal she could have a bad game or was just outplayed by us. Then he said nothin.

The Result:
In game overview my mates asked like "How old are you" "Where are you from" and stuff like that. They were really nice players and added me. I'm only 14 and they said that I behave really adult for my age and that i'm a respectful person. We wrote like 10 minutes in that Game overview. I said good night and left the overview. I got 1 Friendly, 3 Teamwork and 2 honorable opponent =)

So this was only 1 game but I try to keep this "experiment" going =) If you want i could send you a message or a comment for everygame i try this "experiment" so that you see the resutl =)


I've only just started watching Sp4zie recently, but when I started, I plowed through like every Epic Moments and Stream Derps videos. You go girl!


My friends and I argue about the meta a lot, in the end two of us polished a combo that we now use even in team rankeds: katarina and ad tf/thresh bot. It works as a charm. Most of the champions were truly designed for certain roles but that doesn't mean there is not a way to make some of those champions to work together and surprise the enemy.


i swear to good if that vvvortic-dude shows up at this channel...


I HATE the meta. Over 100 champions in this game and only 15-25 of them are played in a given patch, because palying the others frankly isn't worth it. WHAT IS THE POINT OF A MOBA IF YOU'RE ONLY GONNA USE A FEW CHARACTERS?
One of the reasons I quit LoL. I hated that no matter how good I do with, for example, Nautilus or old Maokai or other Sion with my special build, I'm gonna get stomped by whatever OP shit they have on mid or as adc. Usually Akali/Fizz/Kata and Jinx/Vayne/MF.


I play LoL purely for fun. Thats why I play a lot of aram. You dont have to worry about a thing, just play a fun, quick game. You win? Perfect! You lose? Fun anyway, because you smashed faces with ap Taric and flashed to steal your friends health relics when you were full hp and he was 5 :D And also. If I do play normals, I try hard to win, but I also play champs that are fun to play. I usually dont pay attention to the "op" champs in the moment, altought I do get frustrated if I get smashed becuase of it, but I still like to pick up fun champs. All that I can say is, have fun guys!
And as always, very nice video Sp4zie! :) Keep up the amazing work!


Sp4zie, you're the man. I picked up League only a few weeks ago now, and from the get-go I found that the community can be pretty toxic at times. Especially when it comes to higher level players who forget that they were once newcomers as well. It's refreshing to know that players like you and the rest of CG are out there and want to win, but not at the risk of not having fun. You guys are awesome and you've got a life-long fan. I'm not going to get discouraged because my character picks aren't 'meta' and I'm going to do what helps me enjoy the game. Dooooitz! *u*


I love how you just come around every perspective in the topic, it's so interesting to hear your commentaries. There's so many youtubers who just say "of course you should play meta!" But you like, come in with all stuff that you think. 
Pretty nice, keep it up :)


When I used to play, I never enjoyed playing the same champion over and over. I was always looking for new things to learn and more champs to play so I liked watching LCS and picking up some of the popular champions to add to my pool. I've always enjoyed being versatile, so I used to be able to play pretty much anything. There were a bunch of champs that I knew how to play and that weren't very popular that suddenly became FotM and I was able to pick them up again and dominate with. I've always liked that, and if I go back into the game (which I've been wanting to) I'll look to do the same.


I love your commenting videos. 
As much as I love the CG group and enjoy watching you all play together, videos like this just makes it feel more social between you and your fan base. 


I've actually found myself following this sort of way of looking at things in the bot lane for sometime now. I know so and so is strong and ultra uber amazing cream, but I can't help but find that picking the champions you don't see all too often as kind of an advantage. Like for instance my champion pool is....

Adc - Varus, Jinx, and Draven
Support - Nid, Lux, and Leona
Mid - Annie, Riven, and J4
Top - Annie, Warwick, and Fiora
Jungle - J4, Vi, Xin Zhao

Most of them you generally don't either see played in that role or just flat out rarely see at all. I think that gives me an advantage because people generally don't know how to play against said champion. A lot of the time in bot lane I see/play against lanes that either want to all in or farm for days. Making my heavy poke play styles work, mostly. (Leona and Annie are painful to go against so I just ban then.)

But I guess all I'm getting at it I like odd ball champions and what not because it kind of confuses the enemy. Plus when ever I try to play meta a generally don't do so hot. Yay for breaking the meta!
