Advice from AIIMSONIANS! 🌟 Must Watch before INICET! 🎯 All the Best! Their Take on PYQs, GT & more!📈

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Hi Guys, I have tried to share small clips from the interviews I did with my juniors who are now studying their dream branch in AIIMS! 😍
Dr. Anwesha talks about PYQs & GTs, Dr. Rahul talks about importance of MCQs & shares a lovely message & Dr. Moonmoon talks about the exam day & how it’s one of the most important factor!
I hope you find this video useful!
You can watch the full video of these podcasts from Link Below!
I’m sure you all will love it!
All the best for INICET!

Links to full podcasts :

Do subscribe to my channel if you are new here and make sure to hit the bell 🔔 icon, so that you don’t miss the videos!
Happy Studying! Keep Revising!

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I hope this helps!

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Рекомендации по теме

Can u help us to know how much correct responses was on Rank 15, Rank 185 and Rank 378??


Hello it enough to get a score of around 550 with btr and bonus btr and with pyqs...kindly help me sir...iam a mother of one year old baby


Hii ..did they saw main videos only or rr too?


Hellow Sir, I have a doubt - Are AIIMS (other than delhi) student eligible for inicet only or can they sit for Neet pg exam as well? I want to clear this confusion before joining Aiims this year. Kindly reply sir🙏🙏
