Dream Workshop Build - Marble Machine X #22

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Video edited By Martin and Hannes from the Trainerds YouTube Channel:

- In this episode i am transforming the garage into my dream Marble Machine X Workshop. This was something i have been looking forward to do since the very first time i saw the house in France.

In a big project like MMX there is so much more to do than the actual build, like getting a place to be, order material, order new material since the first stuff was wrong, order new material again since the second stuff didnt arrive and so on. I am trying to balance the time im spending on preparing the build VS the time i spend on the actual build.
Its a very thin line between preparation and procrastination and im really struggling to not fall over to the latter but making the workshop a place where i really want to work felt like a very good priority. Enjoy the Transformation!
Have a great day everyone, Martin & Co.

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The fact that you are watching the videos and care about the music and future of Wintergatan is the best support anyone can have, I want to thank everyone who is here for that kind of support, it is really the fuel for the Wintergatan Engine.

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I, Martin, can already sustain myself 100% doing what I love to do. If you want to support artists/organisations who have not yet reached that privileged position, please consider supporting other artists/organisations who need the support more. With that said, I have too many ideas and too little time and with your support I can get more help from people around me to execute the ideas better and bring them out in the world faster. Read a longer statement on this here:









Video Made by Martin Molin & Hannes Trainerds Knutsson
Sound mixed by Charlie Johansson
Endscreen animation by Elinor Bergman
Рекомендации по теме

Reason to watch wintergatan:
10% music
10% marble machine
80% Martin's English


I Like seeing all the grasshopper-mantis discussion, for scientists (im not one but they are my heroes) being corrected is 100% welcome always. Happy to know what its called and happy to have an audience with attention to detail! There is an anecdote about some Brittish scientist that spent his whole career and reputation claiming some fact about quantum mechanics being wrong or false, just a year before his retirement a guest scientist came to his university and gave a lecture in the auditorium in front of the brittish scientist and all his professor colleagues proving him wrong. After the lecture he stood up & walked to the stage, tha aula went dead silent. He then shook the guest speakers hand and said, " your evidence is solid and i thank you for proving me wrong." The whole auditorium erupted in a never ending standing ovation. His colleagues knew what this moment meant for him and they applauded how he handled it until their hands got red. So, when people are politely correcting us (politely being an important word right there) we should remember that guy who was wrong his whole life but had his heart at the total right place and take it as a gift. Today i am building a Marble Demagnetizer to demagnetize the marbles (not ball bearings :) ) after they have been lifted up by the two magnetic marble ring lifts. Probably next weeks episode! If you need more inspirational cat poster quotes i think there is a good one in the lego movie.


Martin is my hero. He just thinks up some amazing thing, and then he does that amazing thing. Whether it be a new song, a crazy music machine, or simply upgrading his workshop he does it. It doesn't matter how much work he has to do, if he has to do it all himself or get anyone willing to get involved it gets done. It gets done with an astounding level of quality when he puts his mind to it. I'm simply awed by how this man works and his resolve to do so. Martin you are simply awesome.


The sheer amount of charm in this video is blowing my mind right now...


To all of them complaining about the mantis <-> grasshopper thing, I'd just like to mention that the distiction usually isn't made in casual swedish, just like marble <-> ball bearing (sphere, not the whole assembly) usually isn't distinguished, so I think you all should let him off the hook, I doubt it'll change anything :p


I like the attitude, healthy addiction to detail, visionary and with more of those great words we can use in this sentence... insert interminably. Thank you guys, it is reaching for something and expanding on old ideas and committing to new ones that makes me feel a bit better about the world. For now. Good luck~~


DEMOLITION is so relaxing and therapeutic!!


Martin, I have been a huge fan from the moment you posted the first marble machine video. From the Modulin to the Marble Machine X. It's all so wonderful. You've been a huge inspiration, and you are living the life I've dreamed of for years. I cannot express how happy it makes me to see someone doing what they love every day. I wish you well from the Southern United States, and look forwards to your tour.


omg you saw a mantis! I'm so jealous right now... i love those little bugs (they are like an insect version of ninjas or samurais)


Happy Birthday, Martin!!!
I wish you all the best for your personal life, for you music and for the marble machine!
Thank you so much for your beautiful music and beautiful videos; there's so much positive energy in it! THANK YOU!!!
I hope you had a wonderful day today!


I have to say that your music helped me through a very dark time. I've been having issues with motivation and productivity recently, and watching this work every week is a bright spot and an inspiration. If you do what you love and stay determined, you can move mountains, especially with the help of others. Thank you again for all of your work.


The introvert vibes is so strong, I love it


Твоя музыка выводит из депрессии и помогает жить дальше👍Спасибо!


I think the timepiece is called a tambour clock, and it amplifies the sound of striking those little rods by mounting them on a sound box. We have one, and they are magically loud and wonderfully sonorous. Great find!

I believe the insect was a martinous wintergatanensis known to bring great favor to those where it chooses to live.


I actually think that he can control time! Thats the only reason why he can put up this much quality content so frequently!


*door opens slowly*
“It’s the ghost of the previous machine,
go away, yeah?”
*door slowly closes*


Verte haciendo todo esta reforma me recordó cuando me mude en donde vivo, y todo lo que tuvimos que hacer mi antigua pareja y yo para transformar nuestro espacio. Era ingeniero también y una persona genial como tú.
Eres muy lind@ mi querid@ Pequeñ@ Novi@ Sueco...★*♥


You fulfilled the most important element of of the Matthias Wandel test: the look of mostly confidence, but still a little apprehension.


I swear when god was pouring out creativity he spilled the entire bucket on Martin. Mad creative genius but man did it make for frizzy hair :-)


I don't really watch to see the machine built (It is interesting tho) I watch to see you, You have the strongest passion for anything I've seen in all my life and I just love seeing you work! You have such an amazing enthusiasm for what you do and it's incredibly inspiring to see, I hope you continue to do what you do!
