Fintech Finance Presents: The Insurtech Show 4.02 - Partnerships and the APAC Ecosystem

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In this episode of the Insurtech Show, we are going to be studying the changing financial ecosystem in the Asia Pacific region. We will be looking at a collaboration the likes we have yet to really see before. Two huge and dynamic organisations - Chubb and DBS are partnering to offer up the ultimate financial services offering. Joining us in the studio is Sean Ringsted, the Chief Digital Officer at Chubb, the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company. Over in Singapore we have Pearlyn Phau from DBS Bank, an institution that seeks to deliver a new kind of banking that lets their customers spend more time living and less time banking. Providing insight to the ecosystem as a whole we have Mike Eksteen from Uncharted, a next-generation SaaS platform powering the digital insurance revolution.
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