How to Break Into the Luxury Real Estate Market FAST?

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In this video Real estate trainer and speaker, Kevin Ward, explains the 2 simple keys to establishing yourself as a luxury real estate specialist in the high end market. Breaking into the high end market can happen practically over night it you're willing to put yourself out there.

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I have moved to a highly affluent area north of San Francisco and am surrounded by rich people. I find volunteering to be a great comfortable way to mix with affluent people, make a difference and yet be true to myself.


"Expect a yes" - I love that! So true. :)


I have your books and after coming from luxury real estate in S. Florida for many years, we relocated to a part of Florida where its a bit more rural and country. So now we have to rethink our luxury branding. I just wanted to comment on the part of the video where you said that the rich don't hire you based on what you do in S. Florida! My first multi-million dollar listing appointment I was the number one agent in our brokerage, and they contacted 3 agents to interview. I was one. When I got there, all went extremely well, I left that listing appointment feeling very good and knew I had nailed it. I didn't see HOW they could NOT choose me. The next day, as they said, they called each agent to let them know their decision. When I got the call, the conversation started out and continued to the point where I was just waiting to hear the words "we chose you" ! Then they got to the end and said, they had not chosen me and went with another agent. So I asked them why, and they said it was because of the car I drove; they felt I couldn't afford to advertise and market their home. They were incredibly wrong, but their perception based on what I drove is a reality unlike what you stated in the video.


Kevin, thank you for the video. I enjoyed your presentation style, and found it straight forward. It met with my 3 B's. Be short, be sweet, and be gone. Merry Christmas.


Very good!

It All starts with mindset!


Loved this !! Straight to the point. Act the part to get the part.


Your energy is fantastic and a great motivator! Thank you.


Thanks you so much for this video. I love that you mentioned the whole rich vs. poor dynamic and I absolutely agree with you


Great.! Thank you Kevin for sharing this video.


Thank you Kevin. You always give such good advise. And your YouTube videos are great. 🙏👍


Love it. Currently reading your book of YES. And I’m just so excited for the amount of growth that’s about to happen in my life


watching 8 years later. timeless content!


Do we have to drive a luxury car to do luxury starting out?


thank you so much for that knowledge . I hope some day with non stop education, perseverance and non stop global reach of high-end Realtors I will make it into affluent real estate . Books give so much in terms of knowledge but I fined human interaction is a keystone for this business so agian thank you and good luck with every deal.


I'm glad I found this video. I've been binge watching your videos. Part of my thought process in starting to get my license is that I live in an affluent area with lots of connections here, so I could network with my friends first and houses are at least 500k

I think that your correct that we look for competence in an agent (at least we did, and I imagine my friends would too). I would be offended and look the other way so fast if an agent gave me some BS script.


oh my gosh Kevin. This as been JUST THE info I needed. Man, you touched on such great issues and topics! WOW! Fianlly Somebody who helped me my mind and emotions to STEP OUT. " go touch a Porchse" hahha LOVE IT! Man so so good


Hey Kevin, so I’m finally breaking into the luxury market, do you find yourself spending more on marketing compared to your normal market? I met an agent here in Colorado saying you have to spend a substantial amount more compared to the average home. Do you find this to be true or necessary? I have my first listing appointment next week in that million dollar mark. I’m super excited!


If you wanna work with the Rich, you have to learn things rich people like to talk about, Make CNBC and BLOOMBERG your favorite channels, chances are its their favorite channels. Learn  how our economy works. I guarantee you they know. Learn stocks, bonds, options, commodities, rich people invest in these things and I do as well. Hang out at high end restaurants and bars. The rich are there, The rich are not at Chili's or TGI Fridays. Maybe you'll meet a rich person at a Houston's or Ruth Chris and talk to them about the economy.
 Don't just talk about Warren Buffet, Learn about Carl Icahn, Bill Ackman, George Soros, David Einhorn. Rich folks follow these people and perhaps invest with them.


Fantastic! You even mentioned the Titanic! I really love it that feel in reality Jack and “the evil rich” should exchange the roles


Hey do you have an one on one coaching program. Thanks
