[ mmd ] criminal

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ariah and rubin are both criminals at this point


Animation by Neoly

My Accounts
( i don't do commissions. )

Programs used:
MikuMikuDance ( 3D animation )
Vegas Pro 14 ( Editing )

Started: September 2nd, 2022 || 9/2/2022
Finished: September 18th, 2022 || 9/18/2022

( i took so many breaks from this. i was about to abandon this project tbh
but i finished it yay )

Criminal by Britney Spears
( i edited the music a little bit )

Model Credits:

SvSSAO, AutoLuminous, ObjectLuminous, PostHemming, CheapLens, o_Monochrome, PostRimLighting2D, WorldBlizzard, MotionBlur, ColorShift, PostAnalogTV, PowerDOF, o_Sepia, PostBlackOut, and Simple Toon Shader



i made the pipe things and the city background

#mmd #animation
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The love between these two (At least Ariah's) is so toxic yet hypnotizing.

Definitely my favorite characters from this channel.


I love how you are telling the story of your oc's and the animation is getting better and better :o


I was *OBSESSED* with this song in like 2017, The nightcore one hit diff back in the day💀I shall now obsess over this flawless animation as well. Pfft--All of the movements in your animations are always soo satisfying! For some reason the part with Ariah at 0:33 itches a certain part of my brain, Well done!!👏🏼🖤


I swear your characters stories is just so interesting and seeing how it is animated and smooth is just makes it even more interested and curious

Make me hope one day if you ever get your own series I’ll be down to watch it ❤


Your animations are always so fun to watch, I love the facial expressions. keep up the good work :)


bro ariah being a born blonde was the biggest plot twist ever


This video adds so much!! I think that the little blonde girl in the photo could have been Ariah before when she was human or before she became a demon? Maybe she killed her mother - hinted by her strangling the ghost?


Just beautiful. These MMD memes are just Art and more of a Story telling that any Meme animations.


obsessed with the "love the guy" part


So glad you decided to finish this project it is definitely my favorite animation you’ve put out this far it’s just so good and the facial expressions look so nice keep up the amazing work!


you know what you somehow make ariah look absolutely stunning in every shot and angle and i’m beginning to think it is solely related to that being her whole thing.. she’s constantly trying to prove that she’s perfect and doesn’t understand why she’s not good enough for him
or it’s probably just your gorgeous modelling/animating but it’s fun to dream 👹
also i’m literally picking up pieces from different videos i’ve watched of yours and guessing that’s what’s going on here so fun times full speed ahead ‼️🎉


Omg the facial expressions on the faces match so well with this song I'm having to put this video on loop because I really really like the animation style


0:24 - 0:26 this little movement is SO FUN TO WATCH *mashes my head into the wall*
i have watched this video so many times now i am absolutely obsessed
i love ariah so much she is so terrible *squeezes her until her eyes pop out*


The animation has gotten even better and the storyline is a little bit there!! great, keep up the good work!!


I really like how adorable the face is at 0:17


I was on my 5th watch when I noticed the guy in the background playing catch and accidentally knocking the other person out
I find it so unreasonably funny I’m dying 💀


0:31 something about this scene specifically is so nice lookin


Damn what an addictive video, I love the expressions as much as the fluidity of the characters, it's simply a work of art 😸😸


omg the amount of improvement after 6 years is incredible omg i love you so MUCH


I remember the day this came out i kept rewatching this over and over because i was so impressed by everything in this, the transitions, small little details in expressions and the body language (does that make sense?i hope it does, but i do think that the way its done is effective, the last scene with Ariah where she gets upset when she sees Rubin is moving on without her is so good, i could genuinely feel what she felt, you really bring all of these characters to life)
and there are so many parts in this that just look pretty and awesome!this is one of my favorite animations from you

i don't know if you will get to read this Neoly, but your content is amazing, i genuinely am so interested in your characters and the way you tell their stories with these animations, sometimes i try to guess what is going on and its so fun 
and not only are they amazing, i think its a bit inspiring too, you said once that your characters were simple and might as well have been done before, and yet its still fun to learn more about them and see content of them
ive always been afraid of having ocs that people would think are stupid but with all of this you inspired me to make my own ocs and content for them
i mean i'm still not confident enough to post about them like you do but it's still a win for me 

and i bet i am not the only one who is inspired by you, if you're reading this i want you to know what you do is really awesome, you are awesome :>
and also one last thing, recently i made drawings of your ocs and i really wanted to show you so if you could give me your discord i would be real happy to show them, anyways that's all, sorry for a really long comment smhdmsms
