Heartland season 18 episode 1 (HD) | Full episode

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Heartland season 18 episode 1 (HD) | Full episode

In this video we will talk about the full episode of heartland season 18
In Season 18 Episode 1 Ty Bordon makes his long-awaited return to Heartland. We'll explore how Ty's return unfolds the heartfelt reactions from amy Lindy Jack Georgie Lou and even Tim, and the emotional conversations that take place between Ty and Amy as they begin to navigate this new chapter in their lives.

Heartland season 18
Heartland season 18 episode 1
Heartland season 18 full episode

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It's about time just keep them together we love them


The real success of Heartland was and still is the Amy and Ty love story. The dating in season 17 especially Amy's relationship with Nathan is simply the writers attempt to keep the storyline interesting, and not boring. I believe if Ty comes back to the show Heartland will continue with Ty, Amy and Lindy together again. If he doesn't return the writers will conclude the series with Amy unable to accept another(not just because Ty can't be replaced} because of her continuing strong love and feelings for Ty. She will conclude that her peace and happiness is with her as a single mother raising Lindy in the manner Ty would have wanted. In my opinion, because we had 14 years of this remarkable love story, whereby the viewers got to intimately know Ty, it makes it nearly impossible to erase him from the viewers minds and on a larger scale future Heartland seasons.


I’m sorry to spoil the excitement, but - unless credibly proven wrong - Ty is NOT returning because of the following reasons:

1. There are no credible official announcements from CBC and/or the producers of Heartland, nor any mentions from any of the current cast of Heartland that I am aware of, indicating Ty is returning.

2. There are no credible reports, pictures, or clips of Graham Wardle who portrayed as Ty being anywhere on the set of Heartland for season 18 that I am aware of.

3. Since no one has seen Episode 1 of Season 18, as it has not yet been released, how could the producers of these YouTube videos, including this one, possibly know, especially in detail, the storylines of that episode—particularly regarding Ty’s return? Furthermore, considering that NO ONE have seen the premiere episode yet, these supposed details about Ty’s return are simply too specific to be believable. Meaning, without ever seeing the premiere episode, how could these producers know, for example, the minute details of Amy’s reaction - whether shock, joy, anger, etc. and the supposed detailed reactions of the rest of the family - for example, Georgie makes a gift for Ty to show how much he means to her - to seeing Ty again? Thus, given that these producers who, again, have never seen the premiere episode, it is evident that they are fabricating these storylines. What does this mean? It means that the story of Ty’s return has no basis whatsoever and is simply being concocted by the producers out of thin air. Which is why this video is showing only clips from PAST episodes and NONE from Episode 1 of Season 18, particularly any showing Ty’s return.

4. Wikipedia clearly states that Ty has died and does not mention the possibility of his return. Additionally, Wikipedia lists Graham Wardle as a FORMER cast member. Which means? It means that after episode 1 of season 14, he is no longer part of the cast and has never been since then as far as I am aware as Wikipedia has not updated to state that Graham Wardle is back on the cast.

5. Finally, Graham Wardle himself has said he is NOT returning (he is the host of the Time Has Come podcast):

10 days ago
Thanks, Rob. I am planning on getting back into acting this fall! Thanks for being here for my podcast and sharing your support. It’s much appreciated. And yeah, there are a bunch of videos saying I’ll be back in the next season. I won’t be. It’s just clickbait.”

Given all these above reasons, especially the notable absence of any clips showing Ty’s return, it stands to reason that Ty is NOT returning.

Thus, all these videos claiming Ty’s return are being deceptive rain clouds falsely promising rain, which will not deliver, and that is tantamount to lying to expectant fans of Heartland - not unlike lying to expectant children that Santa Claus will show up on Christmas Eve. This means those producers of those videos have lost all credibility and are not to be trusted.

Please do not get me wrong—my wife and I are huge fans of Heartland, and the love story of Ty and Amy is what makes Heartland so good. Also, because of this awesome and unique chemistry between them, them having gone through and have done so much together for so long, beginning with their first kiss, Ty is the only one who is absolutely right for Amy and thus is truly irreplaceable. Therefore, anyone else, such as Nathan, who would take Ty’s place would be seen as a cheap, Johnny-come-lately knockoff and a eye-sore who really distracts from the overall appeal of the show. Because of that, like all of you, I do want to believe Ty is returning and I sincerely hope I am wrong about him not returning— for example, Graham Wardle having changed his mind at the last minute after being offered a lucrative deal to return to Heartland for season 18 and beyond, with the show’s producers keeping that under wraps (which again begs the question: if the producers of Heartland are keeping that under wraps, how did those who keep producing these YouTube videos know of/get ahold of these storylines, especially in details, of Ty’s return?)— but given all these above reasons, I am not convinced that Ty is returning.

If I am asked what are two biggest reasons for my serious doubts, they are:

1. No clips from episode 1 of season 18 in any of these YouTube videos, including this one, of Ty returning. Plus no credible reports, pictures, nor clips of Graham Wardle being anywhere on the set of Heartland for season 18.

2. Many of these videos contradict each other, with several storylines being nonsensical regarding how Ty supposedly returns. For example, some claim he returned on his motorcycle, while others say he returned in his truck. However, his return on either vehicle doesn’t make sense. How would he have gotten hold of them, considering they’ve been kept at Heartland Ranch during his prolonged absence? Case in point, Amy driving Ty’s truck to that gas station to confront that guy who shot both Ty and Amy which makes it obvious Ty’s truck is kept at the ranch. So, did Ty sneak onto the ranch, take one of the vehicles, and then return with it? That’s illogical. Returning in a taxi or a bus would make much more sense. Another example is some videos suggesting Ty unexpectedly shows up, taking Amy by complete surprise, while others claim Amy unexpectedly finds a letter from Ty left at a door informing her he’s coming back home—this detail about that letter being left at a door would be nonsensical because that would mean Ty has to get on the ranch to leave a letter to give Amy a ‘heads up’ of his coming back. Meaning, did he arrive at the ranch to leave the letter at a door, go away, and then return? That doesn’t make any sense. Some videos say that Amy’s reaction after reading that letter is to rush to inform her family, with Jack being the first to know. One nonsensical part of this is Jack’s reaction—he smiles his rare smile and immediately as well as the rest of the family begins preparing the ranch for Ty’s return. Huh? A more realistic response would be Jack frowning in disbelief, perhaps with anger welling up inside him at Ty for disappearing without an explanation, leaving him to deal with the pain, especially Amy’s. Thus Jack - as well as the rest of the family, including Amy - would be standing back with a frown of doubt and disbelief on his face, arms folded across his chest with a wait and see what happens next attitude, waiting for Ty to show up, would make much more sense. The answer is simple: the producers of these videos have NEVER seen Episode 1 of Season 18 as it hasn't been released; therefore, they do NOT have a clue about the TRUE storyline - hence the contradictions and some storylines being nonsensical.

Since I hope, by any remote chance, that I’m wrong (though I seriously doubt it), I’d like to ask any of you, especially those who keep producing these YouTube videos, to provide credible sources—such as CBC or the producers of Heartland—to prove me wrong (I sincerely hope you can!). If you have any credible sources indicating that Ty is indeed returning, please do share them!

****NOTE**** Since none of you, especially the producers of all these Youtube videos, including this one, so far - and I am STILL waiting - have been able to provide credible sources to prove me wrong about Ty returning, wouldn’t that prove that my assertion—that he is not returning—is correct all along??? 😉

****AND**** to those producing these YouTube videos, particularly this one: since you keep on claiming that Ty is returning and somehow you know of these storylines of his return, “…finally in the season 18 premiere we got the storyline we’ve all been waiting for… the episode opens with a series of…the episode reveals…”, then please show a clip from that premiere episode of season 18 of Ty returning - JUST ONE WILL DO FINE! What is holding you back from fulfilling this very simple request??? Which if you could do, then this would be a huge favor to us fans of Heartland! BUT! I won’t hold my breath because those producers (again, Next Show, Next Flying, The Drama Desk, Perfect Stories, Season Recall, etc.) will NOT provide such clip - because how can they if Graham Wardle who portrayed Ty is never there on the set for season 18??? In other words, it is a total impossibility for such clip to exist because Graham Wardle was never involved in the filming process for the premiere episode of season 18, thus no way that any footage of him from that set would exist. Which is why all these videos, including this one, are not showing such clip and which is why all these YouTube videos, including this one, can only show clips of PAST episodes, nothing more.

Conclusion: Unless credibly proven otherwise, Ty is not returning — period.

Of course, we’ll know for sure when Episode 1 of Season 18 is finally released, won’t we? 😉

But let me warn you: If you still believe Ty is returning in the premiere episode of Season 18, you WILL be in for a HUGE disappointment, as Ty won’t be there at all in any way, shape, or form, period. It’s not unlike Santa Claus never showing up on Christmas Eve, to the great disappointment of expectant children who were on the edge of their seats with anticipation. Instead, you’ll continue to see Nathan (or someone else, if it turns out not to be Nathan) hanging around, vying for a relationship with Amy—who will likely accept sooner or later 😜 as the storyline will more likely than not progress in that direction.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!d


🎉why did you have nayhan in picture he wants todestroy heartland and li looks like he is just uninvolved


You are lying about him coming back it's bull


Whart a pig drinking out of the milk container he don’t know they have glasses if I was running this shoe Tim would be send down the road once one for all the way he treats Everone he can’t give snyone a decent answer on anything the way he treats Jack is terrible
