Dhamma on Air #80: Reincarnation Revisited

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Reincarnation Revisited: @ 9:28
The reincarnation of WW-II case James Leininger & the clever boy.

See also:

The Reborn Pilot and Ruth ...

Scientific Evidence of Rebirth by Dr. Jim B. Tucker

Reincarnation research by Ian Stevenson Children's past life memories

Meditation Hall Construction Report: @ 47:48

Question 238: @ 55:24
Is self-mummification a Buddhist Tradition?

Question 239: @ 1:01:17
Have we lost the ability to communicate with everybody/everything we are entangled to?

Question 240: @ 1:09:35
How to best avoid idle chatter among non-Buddhist friends, family, and colleagues?

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Thank you Bhante 🤗 - may your meditation retreat bear much fruit!


Thank you Bhante, I hope you have an excellent retreat!


Two years ago I was in my room and all of a sudden I heard what seemed like hundreds of voices shouting at me. I then had a ~12 hour long conversation with an intelligent being that tried to convince me that there were two truths and that I could make reality as I see fit because there was nothing stopping me from doing otherwise (except convention). Though this may be true for the enlightened being, the clear intent of this being was to drive me away from the logic and acceptance of moral truth in the human condition. These experiences followed for roughly for two years on and off. Through much meditation, prayer, and moral refinement — which is related to my intense interest in the philosophy of truth and why I spend all my free time on the internet finding people are confused or interested in the subject (in between meditation and prayer) — these chaotic circumstances that forcefully moved my mind have subsided. I understand the literal meaning of what Buddha says about the difficulty of quieting the noisy mind.

I say this because, when this happened, it felt as if I was remembering something that happened. At the time, I was an atheist; though I found the Buddha's method very logical and philosophically interesting. Also, when I first encountered Buddhism in college philosophy, I was so intensely interested in the subject that it dominated my interest over my major study (which was mathematics and computer engineering).

I am no longer attached to understanding the meaning of this event, since I do not have the awareness required to determine causes. So, for example, I cannot tell if I was so attached to a demonic mind that what felt like memories were really the conditions of extrinsic circumstances, or if I was temporarily revisiting a spiritually conditioned state; or, perhaps, that this stage in my life was a destination that was with me from the incarnation point. Either way, I have worked through the confusion and as a result I have aquired an innate sense for subtle, esoteric truths that I never thought I would have known. For this reason, I cannot claim to take credit for what I understand about the nature of reality. I also do not toy with these esoteric mental states: when I have reasons to understand more, I can then conform my discipline in conjunction with authentic morality to determine a righteous cause. For now, I am primarily interested in breaking free of the bad kamma that interrupts my will to be a well-disciplined individual because I plan on entering into the holy life after I rid myself of my debts.

I thought I would share this because it seems (at least) tangentially related to the subject of this video. I know exactly what you are talking about at 45:45. I also understand the danger in assigning meaning to these experiences before the reality of cause can be known by direct experience (for months I was lead around by these delusions, it took the suffering of this ignorance to break my attachment to these circumstances).

Thank you, honorable bhikkhu, for your work. I am an avid learner of your's and have gained much from watching your videos and recommendations. The fact that I am not a Buddhist in this life doesn't take away from my appreciation for the dhamma. In this respect, I share the sentiments of a writer named Thomas Merton.


Segmented death in the sea of samsara! Everyone is obsessed with the three realms of life and death in the sea of samsara, all beings are subject to segmented death sometimes man sometimes woman sometimes cattle something horse or some other beast. Death is segmented in the sea of samsara!


I have one question: Why is there widespread misconception about buddhism that buddha is just a human and buddhism just a philosophy?
