Demystifying Conda (Anaconda, Miniconda and Bioconda) and Virtual Environments

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Today, we're diving into a topic that every developer, data scientist, or a bioinformatician has experienced at some point: the dreaded installation errors for conflicts due to package versions and dependency nightmare.
In this video, I'll walk you through the basics of setting up Conda and Renv. I talk about what's with the different condas - Anaconda, Miniconda and Bioconda. I'll show you how to create environments, install packages, and effortlessly switch between them. It's a game-changer for your coding and pipeline development journey!
I hope you find this video helpful! Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
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▸ Resources:
0:00 Intro
0:51 What are virtual environments?
2:13 What is conda?
5:15 What’s with different condas - Anaconda, Miniconda and Bioconda?
7:15 renv vs conda
9:33 Demonstration goals and requirements
10:23 conda installation instructions
12:24 conda channels and priorities
13:44 Search for conda packages
14:36 base environment in conda
15:48 Checking local versions of the tools and searching for required conda packages
18:13 Create virtual environment in conda
22:03 Export environment to a YAML file (.yml file)
23:21 Create a conda environment from a YAML file
23:37 Why having a centralized location for all packages is problematic for analysis in R?
26:43 Creating R projects and using renv within projects
34:06 Sharing renv - save package version information to a .lock file
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#bioinformagician #bioinformatics #conda #anaconda #bioconda #miniconda #renv #virtualenv #virtualenvironment #yamlfile #yaml #affy #affymetrix #10x #alleles #bam #rprogrammingforbeginners #rprojects #setseed #reproducibility #pseudorandom #singleR #singlecell #annotationdbi #reversestranded #directstranded #strandedness #survival #survminer #survivalanalysis #kaplanmeier #tcga #gdcportal #tcgaportal #nci #cran #bioconductor #funcotator #variantcalling #variants #gatk #vcf #gvcf #haplotype #alleles #geneticvariants #mutations #gff3 #gff #gtf #sam #bam #phred #fasta #fastq #singlecell #10X #ensembl #biomart #annotationdbi #annotables #affymetrix #microarray #affy #ncbi #genomics #beginners #tutorial #howto #omics #research #biology #GEO #rnaseq #ngs
In this video, I'll walk you through the basics of setting up Conda and Renv. I talk about what's with the different condas - Anaconda, Miniconda and Bioconda. I'll show you how to create environments, install packages, and effortlessly switch between them. It's a game-changer for your coding and pipeline development journey!
I hope you find this video helpful! Leave your thoughts in the comment section below!
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▸ Resources:
0:00 Intro
0:51 What are virtual environments?
2:13 What is conda?
5:15 What’s with different condas - Anaconda, Miniconda and Bioconda?
7:15 renv vs conda
9:33 Demonstration goals and requirements
10:23 conda installation instructions
12:24 conda channels and priorities
13:44 Search for conda packages
14:36 base environment in conda
15:48 Checking local versions of the tools and searching for required conda packages
18:13 Create virtual environment in conda
22:03 Export environment to a YAML file (.yml file)
23:21 Create a conda environment from a YAML file
23:37 Why having a centralized location for all packages is problematic for analysis in R?
26:43 Creating R projects and using renv within projects
34:06 Sharing renv - save package version information to a .lock file
You can show your support and encouragement by buying me a coffee:
To get in touch:
#bioinformagician #bioinformatics #conda #anaconda #bioconda #miniconda #renv #virtualenv #virtualenvironment #yamlfile #yaml #affy #affymetrix #10x #alleles #bam #rprogrammingforbeginners #rprojects #setseed #reproducibility #pseudorandom #singleR #singlecell #annotationdbi #reversestranded #directstranded #strandedness #survival #survminer #survivalanalysis #kaplanmeier #tcga #gdcportal #tcgaportal #nci #cran #bioconductor #funcotator #variantcalling #variants #gatk #vcf #gvcf #haplotype #alleles #geneticvariants #mutations #gff3 #gff #gtf #sam #bam #phred #fasta #fastq #singlecell #10X #ensembl #biomart #annotationdbi #annotables #affymetrix #microarray #affy #ncbi #genomics #beginners #tutorial #howto #omics #research #biology #GEO #rnaseq #ngs