The Problem with Saint Germain 'I Am' Discourses

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Explore the controversial topic of Saint Germain's "I Am" teachings in this enlightening video. Discover the potential issues with these discourses and how they relate to the Law of One philosophy. Gain a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding this spiritual concept and how it may impact your spiritual journey. If you're curious about the true nature of Saint Germain's teachings, this video is a must-watch for you. Dive into the debate and uncover the real issue with Saint Germain's "I Am" teachings today!

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I was SCAdian, too. Started out in Denver back in 1980. Inactive now in An Tir. I love listening to you speak because of the simplicity with which you present the ideas and theories about manifesting our lives. No jumping through hoops or endless struggling.


Hi John, recently came across your channel and it has been a very peaceful and relaxing experience. Thank you so much. I Love being on my very own spiritual journey. Thank you for giving me new and different insides into seeing things. I might not agree with everything you believe, but that truly doesn't matter❤ I wish you love and Peace


The "I am presence" brings me into union with the divine inside of me. For me, all my knowing comes from within. The outer world just confirms reflects. All I need is "I am." Most teaching are ideas and entertainment to me.


The Kabbalists call the dream world Yetzirah. The Tibetans call it Bardo. They both say the same thing about it: it is the place where the emotional impulses of the person become immediately manifest, and are presented with the appearance of that person's cultural symbols. And access to the higher realms passes through this.

Wearing the cultural clothes that it does, the discourses will reach some people and not others.

You're right Jon, to say that the only place to find truth is within. But that's also a core message of the I AM discourses, repeated throughout. I find it more pleasant to listen to than the evening news, let's say.


Thank you so much, John. I have come to suspect that there are as many paths as there are people. No one should pedestalize another, nor allow to be pedestalized. To love and be loving, I believe, opens doors within to insight, and understanding, especially when one is seeking God, Source, It, etc. No one who seeks, will be left dangling. We are all on our individual journey, dogma, and doctrines have nothing to offer whatsoever. It all comes down to love, compassion, and caring for each other. And we all have our own shortcomings, We are perfect Being in a simulation of separation. You are one of few who keep spirituality simple and to the point, no exhaustive practices needed. John, thanks again, I have learned so much from your video lessons, I only wish there had been an internet 50 years ago, when only Dr Moody's book was the only thing I could find on spirituality.


Thank you John for your openness and honesty! Thanks for your transparency!
Keep up your great work


Absolutely love the I AM, discourse, listening now my 2nd time around


I have been looking for my own truth for a long time Jon. I asked Spirit once "What is truth?" They said to me "to each their own." It took me a long time to understand all that. I think I've tried "them all" too over the years. I'm so tired. However, I do feel I'm just trying to remember...because with each experience we get bits of truth. I lost my mom a little over a year ago. I believe I had a NDE as well...I came back with messages. Everything I thought I knew...I realized I didn't. Now there is so much being thrown at us that it feels so much more confusing...everyone feels like they are just trying to find their way out of the mouse trap...or even their purpose. I realize we wanted to come here...sad thing is...I feel we need our memories back to take this place on.


Personally, I believe that the search whithin is actually half the process; eventually we have to show our beautiful self to the world and start to connect with 'like minded' beings to co-create a better place for ourselves and our children. When people talk about what Jesus says in the gospel of Thomas; 'The Kingdom of god is inside you..', they forget what comes next which is '..AND all around you.' I personally related this into 3 powerful affirmations; I AM LOVE - YOU ARE LOVE - WE ARE LOVE


Basically LOVE is all there is love yourself within
Do the best you can with what gifts the creator has bestowed upon you
Just keep moving forward with positive gifts to send others


I AM healthy. I AM wealthy. I AM happy. I AM wise. 😊


St.Germain brought forward to us the I AM teachings, affirmations/discourses that were basically forgotten and the use of the violet flame of the Holy Spirit for transmutation. Saint Germain also affirms the kingdom of God is within. He is aligned with Jesus, not opposed in any way. He often spoke and explained Jesuses use of the I AM etc.


I like the term ‘with your love goggles on’ . and it prompts me to put forward my own flavour: I would say: ‘with your fear goggles off’


“A channel is only as clear as their shadow (personal-growth) work is deep.”
- Robert Ohotto


Wow, you are a great voice to be out there. I intuit that we will begin to see more who carry this humility taking the torch. The ego-driven and cash-driven spirituality will begin to fade because people are growing in their own discernment.


Thank you 😊. I love you ❤️ John. Have a wonderful and magical day 😊.


I appreciate your sincerity and true humility (such a misunderstood word these days). It is just common sense that messages are influenced by the messenger and his/her context.


John, thank you for your perspective. I believe the most important opin you share is that: "Spirituality is truly a personal journey." I hope that all; after watching this video, will be able to review the St. Germain Discourses, and my personal favorite St. Germain video: "The Golden Book, " and form their own opinion of it's message(s) from a personal perspective based on where they are on their path with the realization that whatever revelations they derive at are their own personal discernments of truth, (as you so point out) from a heart felt base of empowerment that fortifies their personal journey of TRUTH SEEKING. Again, as you so eloquently say: " all things."


The problem with the "I AM" Discourses is that many individuals practicing them do not have the consciousness for them. The four stages of consciousness are as follows:
1) Life happens to me.
2) Life happens by me.
3) Life happens thru me.
4) Life happens as me.
Too many are at stage 1 or 2 and want to jump to stage 4. That can't be done.


Dear Friend - the truth is IAM discourses we’re not channeling - the words appeared in light in front of Mr Ballard through the use of the light and sound rays. There is much more to this endeavour than what you speak. Each person will find their path home to the light of their IAM Presence, as they search within. God bless all on their journey. 🙏H
