tilekid - you not the same (slowed) 1 hour loop

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tilekid // you not the same slowed

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To be honest I cried so much to this song because I was in my darkest moments but now that I listen to it I just fall asleep to it because of how calming this song is.


this song feels like being underwater in a deep blue sea... hoping someone would come to rescue you as you look up to the surface, but no one comes, and you sink deeper


i was listening to this in summer, there's so many comfort memories is showing to me while im listening to this again after a while, ty tho


I'm going through such a dark time at the moment. Body image, friends, crushes. The list goes on. It's so stressful. I feel like nothing. This is calming, it helps take my mind away from it

Edit: thanks for everybody sharing and giving advice. I really appreciate it. I'll give an update for anyone curious. My body image problem has led to anorexia, but I'm slowly on the mend. I've found a decent group of friends, and I've been put in medication to improve my mood. I hope everyone continues to share and for your situation to improve.


This song gives two outcomes in emotions, a relaxing hypnotic state, Like your in the woods at the brink of sunset but what it looks to be twilight. Or a dark and gloomy night with heavy rain, where the clouds are as grey as the sky. Rain pouring down as if it’s a deep and depressive state


idk who you are and idgaf but goddamn I truly hope everyone here has an amazing life. We all go through shit and I'm going through my own thing rn too I've been doing tons of drugs bc I lost someone I cared so much for but I'm getting strong. We have so many years ahead of us this is just the beginning and shit may be hard asf right now but stick in there and you will see how beautiful life gets. Your life is like a book but you're the one writing it. Don't be afraid to right someone outta your book if its the right thing you always got next chapter to find the write person you gotta evolve and conquer that shit. As an adbiult now I truly understand now, you can do anything you fkn want, you can BE anything you want all you have to do is put in the work. You wanna be a scientest or a teacher OR WTVR you can. You wana be happy? same shit you gotta put in work for that, nobody gets to live a happy life without earning it. Nothing is free not even happiness so just stick in there and do things you love, discover new things. We only live once and its not a long time compared to what it could be, us humans are so insignificant and small we dont live long lives so enjoy it to the fullest. Love, cry, laugh, be happy. also im high asf rn ion even know what im typing but its the thought of how theres over 7billion ppl in this world and every single person has their own stories to tell with their own experiences and their pain. And all of us will die someday all of us


Imagine your childhood home. Your best friend from your old neighborhood, playtime, siblings and parents (if you had) wether your alone or with some one. The house that raised you, shelter you. 30 years later, it's rundown. It's falling apart and everything else. And all that's left to remind you of the memories is a dusty, faded family photo in the back yard. That is this song.


If Im ever about to die slowing bleeding out, freezing to death this song is what I wanna go out hearing


I think by slowing this down, it only magnified the music's intensity and emotion. That base vibrates down low in my ears and puts me in a hypnotic state of mind. This will be fantastic to relax and fall asleep, too.


To all people....I'm in a little depression.But to this person who is reading this. I love you❤️
Thanks for all the love❤️


This song really hits different at a park with a full moon. Pitch black expect a few yellow street lights, the moonlight gazing down lighting everything up just a slight bit. It’s such a indescribable feeling.


It’s weird whenever i hear this song I’m not sad or happy I’m like in between


This song reminds me of nostalgia I’ve never had


I have a hard time crying, and this song makes me tear up without even trying. It's so weird, but I love it


I cried all my tears with this . Thanks for this song


It's interesting to hear everyone's mental and emotional interpretation of this song. It definitely shows how music can bring out feelings and experiences


I want to feel the comfort and warmth of my childhood again. I haven’t smiled or been as happy in my life since then even if it was a bit rough. I miss it I want to feel alive again. Even if it’s just once


honestly I’m so tired, I can’t form feelings anymore, I can’t react to anything I’m just like “oh.”, this song sort of just described that for me, not happiness nor sadness, not agony nor excitement, just emptiness.


To anyone who comes here for comfort in their own depression your not alone..


this song has an odd sense of solitude mixed with so many emotions in general where you feel nothing while listening, don't feel sad or happy nor angry, just solitary. It's nice.
