Do Not Try to Be Understood by Someone Trying to Misunderstand You | Cyrus Ausar

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Do not try to be understood by someone trying to misunderstand you is a valuable lesson Cyrus talks about. He said, people will know what you're saying, but they act like they don't just so you can be wrong.

Cyrus goes on to say how much of a waste of time this may be. You are fighting an uphill battle that will never stop. Even when you "win" you still lose based on the time spent to help someone that doesn't want your help.

Listen to Cyrus' perspective. Have you ever had this happen to you?

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People especially do this when they feel inferior to you or are jealous of you


Excellent perspective... We cannot waste our good energy on people just arguing to argue!!!


I think there are narcissis and actually believe their own false truth. It's not about you being wrong, but more about them being right. Waste of time.


Sometimes i feel like these people dont even know they are doing it. Like its part of their personality and it happens automatically, that’s how tuned out they are


How much i resonate with this I've just been laid off, thanks to this kind of wicked people who are committed to misunderstanding and misrepresenting what I said or did😕


They are so jealous..and tired of you being right


😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓😓May Almighty give me strength to tolerate this!


I needed this. Just had this experience with a long-time friend and boy was I frustrated. But you're so right, she's deliberately trying to twist my words to suit her agenda, whatever that is. Now that I get it, I'm good.


So on time I needed this, I can stop pulling my hair out. Thanks 🙏🏾


Best advice ever!!! At work, went into my office and looked for this topic and found this. Spot on. I’ll open my door in a bit lol.


It’s like the time I told a person I’m financially struggling living with $790 a month and they responded to me and said” woah that’s a lot of money”


I thought I was going crazy, , thank you for showing me that I'm not 🙏🏾💛


I just had this happen in 2's tonight, and just had a homeboy go through this from his mother this morning. The sum total is selfishness. Let a celebrity say the same thing you've said, it's the realest thing they ever heard. Let some social media influencer say it, it's 💯.

To these people, it's not what's being said and their personal feelings towards who said it. Egotistical Conversations are the sum total of selfishness because they're one sided. Meantime there's no bigger downfall than the ones caused by ego death, with the worst ego death coming from the disparity of needing to always be right instead of seeking to be informed.

Narcissists are really terrible with twisting words. You can tell them their ceiling is leaking, and they'd swear you said you'd drown them.


Or people who try to tell you…..what you feel, and then retaliate against you based on their own feelings and false beliefs!!

I hate repeating myself so I stop talking and go silent. As a therapist, I would never argue with a client who is delusional so I carry that same training into my day to day interactions with family and friends.

#abortmission #saveyourself


Perfect. Just what I really needed to hear to help me through the situation. Thank you!


This is probably a true and correct statement. How much time is wasted with people who deliberately want to waste our time and claim to "misunderstand" us? Of course, to be honest, I am not sure I really understand Cyrus. I don't know him and don't have his background... so maybe we all fail in this. Some people may have sufficient skills to put a spin they want on the words of others while many people put a spin on words but don't realize it.


Brother after seeing what u said i was in tears, u put everything that i have gone and is going through in a nutshell. Cudos to u and thanks a lot for ur wonderful suggestions.


The one I get most is, once they realize you have them, they turn your conversation into a side-trip issue from years ago, when "you were young and dumb" and it was most likely their truth about you that you've been grown up from and thought was OVER, yet they can try to use where they can come out on top with. Foolishness!!! That's when I just shut down, pause, stay calm and say "you know that is not what I am talking about NOW TODAY; and tell them, as my father used to say, "you know it, I know it, and Suzy cross the street knows it!" We never met or knew Suzy, but she ALWAYS knew it too! LOL!!😃 Calmly and confidently stick right back to what I meant, and said. THEN I nicely walk away from them without another word HOLDING ON TIGHTLY TO MY INTEGRITY, leaving them to stew in what was presently correct. As you said, "they know what you said and meant!" As my mom used to say "the life you save will be your own!" At 63 now, life is too short for all that foolish stress, mess and all the rest that goes along with that kind of OVER THE TOP narcissistic battle! God bless you and your words! 🙏🏽🧡


I had two clients. One misinterpreted my feedback and ended up sharing it in a grp, only to pull out by deleting the message. The other client saw it and chose to not get my side of the story and took out all his anger on me instead. I was surprised by how the first client misconstrued my feedback, and believed it was my fault. I ended up taking it very hard on myself, and although it is over I am still hurting and trying to heal


an old friend (so called) seems to have a nack for misunderstanding me or taking things out of context by doing exactly what you said inventing and inserting something that doesn't belong. filling in imaginary blanks. almost magical in a way. at this point i plainly state "I am not responsible for what you thought". not sure its helping or not at this point but now it seems to be understood this tactic does not hold water and his relevance is greatly diminished. i hope this helps someone else.