Dangers of Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings with Dr. Blanche Grube
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Mercury is a toxic and poisonous substance. In fact, it’s the most toxic natural element found on earth!
The harmful effects of mercury in humans includes damage to the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, vital organs, and can be fatal. So, what are the dangers of mercury amalgams used in modern dentistry?
Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube, as they discuss the harmful effects of mercury amalgam fillings (also called silver fillings) used in modern dentistry and how these fillings can negatively affect your overall health. Dr. Blanche Grube is a Board-Certified Biological Dentist and holds a Mastership from the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM), of which she was also President. She holds Fellowships from the IAOMT, The Institute of Natural Dentistry, and the Dental Association of Conscious Sedation.
If you have mercury amalgam fillings, you don’t want to miss this episode!
The harmful effects of mercury in humans includes damage to the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, vital organs, and can be fatal. So, what are the dangers of mercury amalgams used in modern dentistry?
Join Dr. Hotze and special guest, Dr. Blanche Grube, as they discuss the harmful effects of mercury amalgam fillings (also called silver fillings) used in modern dentistry and how these fillings can negatively affect your overall health. Dr. Blanche Grube is a Board-Certified Biological Dentist and holds a Mastership from the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM), of which she was also President. She holds Fellowships from the IAOMT, The Institute of Natural Dentistry, and the Dental Association of Conscious Sedation.
If you have mercury amalgam fillings, you don’t want to miss this episode!
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Dangers of Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings with Dr. Blanche Grube
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Get those old mercury fillings REMOVED!
Why is it important to have mercury amalgam fillings removed? [Holistic Dentists Brisbane]
Webinar | Eliminating Dental amalgam use in the EU - The way forward