Calc 1, Lec 12: Understanding the Derivative Conceptually by Numerical, Graphical, & Verbal Problems

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Calculus 1, Lecture 12.
#calculus1 #derivatives #derivative #calculus #matheducation
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(0:00) Numerical approximations of the derivative (given tabular data for a function)
(14:07) Graph the derivative given a graph of the function
(22:24) Given the graph of f, decide where f and f' are maximized and minimized
(28:49) Given the graph of f', decide where f' and f are maximized and minimized
(32:28) Graph curves given verbal descriptions about the slopes
(35:32) Draw a graph given conditions about f'
(37:22) Inflating and deflating balloon example
(43:37) Verbal problem: time of chemical reaction based on catalyst amount
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