Michio Kaku: 'James Webb Telescope Just Detected Hidden World Behind Stars'

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What if I told you that right now, at this very moment, there are countless versions of you living in different universes? It may sound like something out of a science fiction story, but some of the genius people in the world actually believe in the idea of the Multiverse. Recently Famous physicist Michio Kaku has made a bold claim saying that the existence of parallel universes is not only possible but necessary to explain some of the biggest mysteries of our universe.
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I lost track of how many contradictions were in this.


Cosmology is the height of folly. But it sells books and lines one up for speaking gigs, and for some people that is as cosmically important as anything can be.


There is one thing I understand about our universe .... We know nothing!
For all we know, we are a drop of blood in a vein of a living being.
We can never see the entire picture because we are only one very tiny piece of it.


The real issue with this theory is the Human Ego. We still cannot let go of our Archaic Centric Perspective. 1 of the theories mentions when we are faced with a choice, a new universe is born.. And this existed before the MCU movies.. When we start observing on the micro scale. Like Atom Smashing to map and observe those particles that make up Neutrons, Protons and Electrons, we have found that these particles follow different rules. Why wouldnt this be the case on a Larger Scale? We do not know how those sub atomic particles, are organized before sending them to chaos. For all we know, those particles could be universes of a type. Or maybe multiples of universes make them up.. How would our level of perspective have influence over them in their natural state? Or are they bound to that Micro Scale until released from those bonds? For all we know, Black Holes could be an object outside the 3rd dimension or even the 4th. If it were a 4th or higher object, we wouldnt be able to see it, only observe its influence as it passes through ours.. The observable Universe, is equal in distance in every direction, yet we still expect to see its boundary? If what I propose is to be true, we would never be able to see the boundary. In our perception, it would go on for infinity.. I for one, have been following the papers that have been showing evidence that gravity doesnt actually exist. So then what would replace it? Electricity. Other papers have been supporting the Electric Universe Model, which I am a huge supporter of.


i think the universe is one and never ending in all directions.


This video makes one claim after another, shortly followed by "but there is no evidence", "we don't know" or admitting that what was "known" and accepted, has since been proven to be false. Also, using "Big Bang Theory" to know just mean inflation. The amount of faith needed for these various theories makes a religious person blush.


Anything and everything but God. In the beginning God created the heaven's and the


Recently I believe in an article there was a creature found at an incredible depth at the bottom of the ocean where almost no creatures should be able to. Take the pressure. I think nature has the answers to some of our questions I think as humans being intelligent beings we overthink ourselves when the answer could be really simple and I think nature and I surroundings alone have the answers. We just have to find them Stay motivated humanity we are getting somewhere time for us to evolve


Its so interesting to see how much of the scientific theories depend on us having faith in something that we cannot see any evidence of and we cannot prove ... come to think of it to be a scientist today requires more faith than believing in God. I do not see any problem with either, they both require believing and both explain various aspects of why and how we exist.


I think we live in a black hole and we are getting sucked into another one inside the one we are in. That's why everything in space looks like it's moving away from us and the farther away the faster it leaves our ability to see far galaxies. And each black hole is a universe in itself.


The only thing which is inhibiting the thought of the existence of lives in other planets is the belief that we are special, the creation of God, as a result of religious doctrine. Even people who believe in evolution believe that life is unique due to the unique condition of this planet earth. Otherwise, logically, nothing should stop us from believing that lives in other planets or multiverse is just natural. Maybe it is not in the same form as the one on earth, but some kind of lives and intelligence. I believe we will eventually discover it.


The multiverse and spiritual higher power saved my life and my children. Michio is great. He will always be one of my favorites! Health and protection for this wonderful person. ❤️🙏😇🌎🌒💫


I hope the other versions of me are richer


Anything that Michio Kaku is connected with is going to fascinate me. It's taken a while for me to actually realize that. 🌎🗿🌌


Concepts, theories, guesses, opinions: we all have them, but scientists get paid for theirs. Period.


We are living in a multiverse right here on Earth, which version of you, you get to live, is in your mind. You can own the streets or sweep them, all in your power.


Explain what is between of your multiverses


according to the Creator... universe has 7 level.... we know only the fist level... our observations never can reach the second...


It's just another universe other than our own that obviously formed at a different time. I don't understand the leap to saying its a "parallel" universe.


So, the writers of Marvel & DC comics are aliens trying to break us in gently??
