He keeps texting but won't make plans, what do I do?

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Have you ever gone on a date or two with a man you really liked, and then all of a sudden you get stuck in texting limbo?

You’re sharing how your days are, what you’re up to - but he never asks you out again.

Now you’re just sitting there thinking, “What’s going on? If he’s not going make plans to see me again then why are we still talking?”

His contact makes you second guess because if he really wasn’t THAT interested, he wouldn’t even talk to you, right?

In this week’s episode of KavitaTV I’m answering this exact question for my client Nadia, who was stuck in texting limbo with a man after 3 amazing dates. Tune in to find out what you can do to break this cycle and get a date (or move on).

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Don’t entertain this guys...not worth your time, keep on moving ladies!!!


He’s not that into you. Plain and simple. A guy who’s really into you will make plans ahead.


From a guys perspective, this is exactly the right advice. A good man will go to the ends of the earth for you, IF he likes you and he KNOWS you like him. A good man will not waste his time being your back up plan and will not pursue you if he thinks that is what he is. Women love hints but most men are terrible at that. Be clear and know for sure.


Next! Do not entertain men who play mind games. It’s just feeds their ego and selfishness. A guy who likes you WILL show you. You WILL know the difference. 😀


Do nothing. Don't respond or react. He should know better. Not your problem. You need only to know where, when and what you plan to wear on a date. No plan? No date? He can call an 800 number to talk. Sorry, wrong number.


I have a guy who keeps texting but won't plan the first date even though he keeps saying he wants to meet !


Just ended something tonight for this reason. If I'm not his priority he's not mine.


Move on. He’s broke. That’s why he’s not asking you out on a date.


I feel like these guys are really insecure. They’re not confident within themselves to be with someone like you!


Guy showed up with flowers, good first date but no plans for second date. I took the initiative and invited him and he didn't give answer. Texted me daily for a week, then I said adios not looking for a texting buddy. Onward and upward. I believe when a man is really into you he can't wait to see you again


People will make time for what they want. Obviously… when a guy doesn’t plan or arrange to meet up, he’s not into her- sadly not even as a friend… 😅


Becasuse he is otherwise involved. Trust your gut!FB, etc.


If a guy is interested he will go to any lenghts to see you.
I know a man and been texting for nearly 3 years and have seen him 3 times. The last time was about one and half years ago. Always has excuses and only texts when he feels like. I am hooked but know he's not for me. Tried to get answers but he only changes the subject. Want to let me go but it's hard


Okay this is straightened out. Now what if you find a guy who sends text faithfully, all the time, and is excited (it seems) about going out together, but he never makes definite plans ahead of time, only the "day of" plans?


As a guy I am not making plans because she rejected me once.That was three years ago and we are still texting.I am seriously too scared and confused to even try again.


He was dating someone else & just ignore him by doing nothing. He if he is interested he will contact you by phone and ask you out. texting is nothing but chatter.


Remember ladies, you are the price and the princess not guys!👸


"tlkaingy with other women" 💔😔


He wants to dangle the carrot to hook you for his ego gratification. Then when you are about to bite that carrot, he will yank it away with a self satisfied smirk on his face. You have been warned. Don't get conned.


what happened to the time when a man could do anything for a woman not expecting anything in return and she views that as crazy
I don't expect anything from a woman but I will certainly help a woman with anything and then I will depart
