When God Breaks Chosen Ones

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My sweet beautiful 47 yo baby girl passed suddenly last night
I am devastated
But I know she had the greatest faith of anyone I have ever known
She has been my best friend for ever
I miss her so much
BUT because of Christ who lives in me I realize my feelings are totally selfish
My Sarah is with her Lord Jesus Christ
I know my Jesus is carrying me in his loving arms
I miss her my heart is broken
But I can rest assured I will see her again
Thank you brothers and sisters in advance for your prayers


My life has been very difficult. Homeless, living in a tent with two children inder the age of 4, and pregnant.
I now live in a one bedroom apartment with two adults, Three in all.
God is so good. A bed to sleep in, food in my stomach and an awesome God fearing church. I Am Blessed. May we all be so blessed.


I was broken over 8 yr ago when my husband left me for a younger woman. I adored him. Loved him so very much. After a while I knew it was Gods will, as I had more time to pray n study His Word. (My ex is a non believer n told me to put Bible away!) My relationship has grown with Christ and I've stayed celibate since. Dedicating myself to Christ.


Yes. You dont really get it until you are broken and realize no one can help you but the Lord.


We live in Florida and Milton, the hurricane, just passed through. The wind was fierce and the rain hard, but My Lord and Savior kept us protected. We lost some siding, but we have electricity, food and neighbors who are kind. I just wanted to share this blessing. Now I can listen to you in peace.


On my little son's tombstone is engraved: Revelation 21, 3-4 and on my 6-year-old daughter it is Isaiah 43, 1, 2-4. 🙏🏼
Jesus is my comfort and hope.❤️


God granted me breast cancer, which didn't seem like a blessing until I realized that the radiation treatments killed the mold in my system. I had spent 10 years suffering with toxic mold illness. I now have my life back and I'm SO thankful for that!


I was shattered a little over two years ago. It was in the aftermath that I began to fully accept Jesus. A little over a year ago I broke down and gave it all to Jesus. He's been slowly piecing me back together since.


I was totally broken today - my 97 year old dad is dying; my older sister attacked my faith; a friend (who goes to church) dismissed my emotions and said we all have traumas. I wasn't looking for sympathy just an understanding that I was emotionally drained and couldn't attend her birthday celebration. I have now lost a friend as well but thanks to this video I am counting it all joy. Throughout the last 2 days God spoke to me through various people at unexpected times. I am 70 years old and live alone. I pray each day for a true Christian friend. God bless Joe Kirby and his ministry.


I am 64 years old and getting up from my chair is painful but this morning I felt like a teenager no pain Thank god for the healing from Jesus and the holy spirit.


Psalm 119:71
It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.


Please pray for the people of the United States dealing with these Hurricane. Let their faith make them stronger or bring them to God. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏


I have been broken for 70 years Joe, never more than the last year. It's about refining, making us more like Him. Faith is keeping on believing throughout it all. Bless you faithful servant. ❤❤❤


1:34 it is as you were speaking just to me. I lost my home I live in my car. I almost lost my job. My kids are living with their mother. My girlfriend just told me to get lost and I stopped the video dead in my tracks. He’s talking about me now. The next thing you said most bad medical news I hope that’s not me Joe. I think I’ve been watching you for two years now you give me comfort and my heart hurts when things look to be at their worstplease never stop what you’re doing. You are making a difference and with God’s help I’ll make a difference to your friend Rodney.


completely disabled for decades, can't sit up, haven't been out of our home in 6 years. My faith has been strengthened by the grace of God, we're learning Gods Word from His faithful servants. We're blessed to have God fearing friends who know God is Absolutely Good! 🙏🏼💞📖🤍
God bless you and your families.
God Already Won!


I am broken. Nothing is going well. Husband deserted myself and our daughter. A young adult, mentally challenged. I have lost absolutely everything. Home, family, all my possessions, car, etc. Bankruptcy caught up with me because my daughter's health care needs are expensive. Out of food, out of medication, out of my ability to cope. I never dreamed I would face such difficulties. Hungry, homeless, absolutely broken 💔 I love God. Why He has chosen to break me, I don't know. Will I survive? I don't know 💔


HE has been working on me since 2017. 😢I lived 7 years waiting on disability. I have had 13 surgeries many major..3 back surgeries. Right arm reconstruction. Then a quadruple bypass. I had not 1 dollar coming in and He made sure I had a roof over my head and good in my belly all that time. Praise God! For HE is good and His mercy endures forever. 😊❤ what an awesome message this night. Thank you! I shared it in hopes it will encourage 1 soul going through the purification process as I have been ❤😊😊


I was broken when my husband of 36 yrs died my best friend my love but the lord finally showed me that nothing else matters but love how lucky was I to have a 36 yr love everyone doesn't get that the Lord truly blessed me.


I'm there. A Christian friend told me that perhaps God is allowing this to happen because He wants to "grow me". At first I was kind of mad. But the Lord dealt with me, and in this situation I have turned to Him trusting it is part of his plan for me. The result is that the last couple of weeks I have been drawing closer to Him, and He is healing me emotionally and raising me up to be a strong warrior for Him. It's painful but I am grateful for the lesson.


Please pray for my husband of 37 years, he doesn't know the Lord as yet, he is going through a hard time & he doesn't know how to deal as he really need the Lord more than he realises. God bless from Melbourne Australia
