Sigur Rós - Ekki múkk [Official Music Video]

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No, they did not kill a fox for the video. before filming, they sent out a tweet asking if anyone found a dead fox that they could film. They found this one at the side of the road. They filmed it over 30 days decaying. Also, the live fox is named Tod, he is trained. Tod was not harmed.


I just realized that "be brave" is not about overcoming your pain, but about enduring all the pain in the world. Time disappears with all things, good and bad.


The part where he says "Why do things always have to change?" is what got to me the most. It really describes my inner fears and anxieties.


To this day… one of the most beautiful music videos ever made, in my opinion.


I've been depressed for about 5 years.
I haven't been able to cry much for about 3.
Yesterday I watched this and it was really good, still haven't gotten over it.
I really want to hug my pets.


You think that these days… that you couldn’t get lost. But you can. Lost. I’ve lost my way. Every field just looks like the next.
-Little snail, can you tell me where this is?
-Do you want me to guide you out of here?
-You’re not afraid, are you? where are you going?
-I’m on my way home my dear.

-Why do things always have to change? I don’t want to be on my own again… Oh, snail this is a terrible place.

-Don’t be afraid.

-I don’t know what I should do.

-Be brave, little one. Be brave.


I hope I'm not the only one who cries when I watch this. Fucking amazing.


Guys, once try to listen this song in your headphones meanwhile you walk in a forest or wherever surrounded by nature.. Try to wandering purposeless, touch the trees, feel the air on your skin, smell the scents, see things for what they really are, marvel of everything and breathe...You will start to feel part of everything as it really is.
Life is beautiful


What’s lonely is feeling these profound feelings while watching this art, then showing someone else and they don’t see it. 😞


Do you ever watch something and sit there for five minutes completely stunned by what you have just seen? Then after those five minutes pass it all hits you at once? You find yourself crying because of the beauty of it all, that someone was able to understand something so important that you never knew you needed in the first place?

This is what this video did for me. Thank you, Sigur Ros.


My interpretation: I think the whole thing is a look into the soul of the main character. The snail symbolize "Hope"...the first glance into himself that makes him realize there's still beauty and light in him, even if it looks like a small flame...the meadow symbolize his wandering through his own self...the doubt, he's not sure who he is, why he's there & what his purpose is exactly...then when he finds the fox he sees a reflection of his own self being hurt & needy and learns that his compassion includes himself...he must not fight and hate against his pain because that means fighting and hating against himself, he must accept it in order to heal. Then when he falls asleep he finally embraces and accepts all of his parts (the hope, the doubts & the the pain)  and when he wakes up the feelings are gone...and instead he sees beautiful bright stars...


Be brave, little one. Be brave. Sleep, little one. Sleep. And when you wake, I might be gone. Sleep. Look around. You will find your own way home. :"(


I interpret this as being about the disconnect between modern life and nature, and fear of death. When the film starts the man is at a crisis point feeling lost and alone, and I think that this is a comment on modern life due to the line about not thinking you could get lost "these days", as well as the contrast between the wild, countryside setting with the man's urban office-wear. He is out of touch with nature, concepts like life and death, and his life feels synthetic and hollow. He is afraid of being alone, and most of all afraid of death. When he meets the fox he is confronted by death - first he thinks the fox wants to attack and kill him, and then he realises that the fox is dying. He finds it terrifying but the wise snail convinces him to be brave and engage with the dying fox, which he does by providing it comfort as it dies. The fox decomposing shows the fox returning to the earth, it is natural and an inevitable part of life, and exposes his fear of death as unnatural. When he wakes up he has accepted death, and therefore accepted life. It is dark, but he looks up and sees beauty in life, nature and the universe, and, like the snail, is able to go on with calmly living.
(I had to type that out to make it clear in my own head - the meaning of this has been bugging me since I first saw it!)


My cat died today. This came to my mind and soothe me. My little cat will be well, wherever he may be.


I think:

-The Man is non-existing. This the tale of a wounded Fox, that got Lost!!
-The Fox is feels like it lost it's way. "Every field feels like the next". In desperation it asked directions even to a snail.
-Snail asks if the fox wants to be guided out from darkness. "You're not afraid are you?" The snail knows the Fox state.
-Snail leads fox to the woods. Fox states "Oh snail... this is a terrible place." It knows creatures go to die there.
-Within the woods, the fox asks "Why does everything have to change..." It knows it's hurt.
-Snail whispers "Don't be afraid." Shes comforting the Fox into it's ending stage.
-Fox says "I don't know what i should do..." Fox cries. It feels pain.
-"Be brave little be brave", it's the way of the snail saying don't worry. Go in peace.
-Fox travels to a big tree. And goes to sleep.
-"Sleep little one.... sleep. And when you wake... I might be gone..." The snail is leaving the fox in peace to let nature carry it's own path, and take the once scared, hurt and lost fox, now has a calm, gentle, sleeping fox.
-"Look around... You've found your own way home" were the snails last words. The fox is now one with the forest and nature.

Thats what i feel about this....


Not enough people have seen this magnificent piece of work.


I always come back to this song when I’m feeling lost. Lost of emotion, fulfillment, motivation, and many other emotions that I can’t put into words just yet.


No matter the day, time, or mood, this song will make my eyes an uncontrollable ocean


Not only did this make me cry, I can't stop watching it so now I'm stuck in an endless cycle of crying. HOW DARE THEY MAKE SOMETHING SO HEART-TOUCHING AND BEAUTIFUL


What Sigor Ros does for me more than anything is let me know there are people like me on this planet, contrary to all appearances. 
