To Be MORAL or an ARTIST: A Discussion on Nietzsche's Artist-God

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♣︎ Instagram (PERSONAL): dove_inabsentia
♥︎ Instagram (ARTWORK): celinko_

#Aesthetic #Beauty #Neitzsche
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I think I need both: safety + stability and art + adventures.


I once read: among all sufferings, choose the most attractive one for yourself and savor it with pleasure


If we are to suffer, let it beautiful. Make it beautiful if you have to.


For me living with conviction doesn’t necessarily mean I’m living normal or “the good girl” but like you said I do question is this worth my time etc. I’m still struggling with the things that I desire because I don’t have anyone else that desires the same.. I mean really desire not just talk about it because it’s on instagram. I really want to live a different type of passionate artistry lifestyle am I’m so tired of caring about if I’m going to be loved, sought after or miss out any fun. My birthday just passed last month an I made the decision to only focus on the life I want, make my own decisions and think about myself first before anyone else! Whatever happens will happen and for me that’s my definition of living to the fullest. It’s not about being at every party, beautiful lovers or being famous. My decision is about living passionately and seeing everything I have as a luxury… I hope that makes sense lol Great Video!! I love your mind & your vocabulary! I’d love to know some of the books you read in college that helped with your vocabulary ❤️❤️❤️


I love that you're younger, braver, and more "self actualized" than I was able to achieve in my twenties. The fact that you're even willing to discuss these issues makes you brave and brilliant. I enjoy your work and time into these efforts.


What a beautiful setting you have in this video. 
Thoroughly enjoyed listening, always left feeling more comforted knowing there are souls like mine, however rare they are, I believe it is meant to be that way.
"Never take advice from those that are cautious" words to live by. Thank you ✨


When you said self-critical with Nietzsche I don’t think they go together. It’s been a while since I’ve read Nietzsche, but I don’t remember him as being self-critical. He seemed utterly consumed with needing to scream at the world rather than to doubt himself. I think his lack of humility made him crazy in the end. We constantly need correction like a compass and Nietzsche couldn’t be corrected, and became lost.


In addition to my last comment: I often feel very alone in the world. I always have felt like I was waiting for something to click and make me a part of everything. It dawned on me that maybe we all feel that way and some of us face it more than others. One of the ways in which ignorance is bliss.


Solid breakdown. Thanks for posting this vid!


Thank you for introducing Nietschzes artist god again, this has been a topic of inner debate for me for quite some time now. I feel like this lifestyle is especially alluring to me because it offers some sort of escapism. Escape from the feeling of dissatachment i have while interacting with the world. Escape from the feeling of never beeing fully seen and understood. Beeing "different" has had an immensely alienating effect on me personally. This makes having no attachment to anything or (especially) anyone while simultanuatly beeing in persuit of greater artistic and intellectual freedom seem like the perfect escape out of an endless cycle. Since i've gotten a bit older i found people that make feel like i'm beeing "seen" for the first time. While they might not get me all the time, beeing able to have conversations with a person that understands my "depth" has been the biggest source of artistic inspiration to me! In my experience this only happens when you take the time to anchor yourself into a person or place, that has to count for something in the artist god argument!


I think I will have to ruminate on this a bit longer to fully form my own thoughts, but thank you for the introducing this lovely topic!


Wow… I believe that I need Conviction in my life because.. without it I stray away from my individuality & creativeness. When I live for the experiences I don’t like the scars, I end up feeling like everything I experienced was pointless! I do agree with not taking advice from cautious people! I am in agony working a 9-5 all because my mother drilled health benefits into my head! I had the opportunity to work hard and grow my passion but my father kept talking about starving artists….. I’ve made the decision to stop asking for their opinion an fly back to my own planet but it is as if the path I knew so well to my own world has shifted…. So I have to fly even harder, break through the meteors and go around those bright stars just to get to back to the planet I birth!


I have thoughts like this too, though in a less sophisticated form. The desire to succumb to chaos is real. I've chosen largely to live on the fringes of society (that comes with the territory of the career path I've chosen) but even on the fringes there are consequences to "immoral" behavior such as a loss of cherished relationships if I were to stray too far into chaos. But I would need to be pretty far gone for that extreme outcome to become a concern. Basically I think there's a balance in all things. Living in chaos is ok so long as there is a balance of some kind of order.


I'm currently in conflict with my therapist, who has decided that my artistic pursue is bad, 'fundamentalistic' and destructive. Which hurts me, because we've known each other for years and his work has helped me become more and more of who I am, and now I wonder if he regrets it. It's not just a lack of empathy from "non artistic people" I think, but a fundamental difference in nature.

There is potential for destruction in art, because creativity means cheating the rules of reality (there's an interesting book about it, 'the dark side of creativity'). The stakes are high, and the consequences dont only fall on the artist. Im still struggling with the fear that no one can really love me, because of the amount of skins I shed in the pursue of my life. i still dont have an answer for this. The point of balance I'm trying to achieve is connection: I am not creating art against normal life, but for when normal life needs a bit of help. Compromise not for the sake of it, for self betrayal, but to the degree that my purpose can 'land' and benefit the people i will never be part of. Like a shamanic role. It requires such a huge amount of love and hope that I sometimes feel like I'm pulling it out of my ass, because there's no way I'm getting it from the outside. Not in the world, but for the world.

(** yes im always giving book recs because literally all i do is reading 🤣 byw i love Nietzsche and the hair+eyes+make up combo looks so so good)


That’s why the 27 club is so appealing, and they burned so bright that they burned out instead of fading away; the beautiful and the damned, truly. I understand the need to live and live fully, or you might as well not live at all, but I think there comes some responsibility in that. The balance of hedonism and asceticism excites me most, and they’re different sides of the same coin, like the sun and the moon, day and night. It’s just that I can’t stand hurting others out of vanity and some sort of philosophical poetics that most people don’t understand. If you’re going to hurt someone with your actions, at least make sure they understand your lifestyle and live the same way, otherwise it’s just plain brutality and is no longer “art” or a guilt that should be “pleasurable.” Hurting others for art and science, killing people to satisfy your needs and advance society, just seems to lose it’s luster and purpose when there’s no passion and it’s just “unfair” cruelty— whether it’s indifferent or intended. I don’t know if that makes sense


Hey love your channel.
I believe your answer lies in Nietzsche's most famous work Thus Spoke Zarathustra. He outlines the stages people go through via will 2 power. There is a lot of cool symbolism involved. Like at first we are approached by a golden dragon. This dragon is supposed to represent societies ideals. Of course we r absolutely taken aback by this dragon because it is large and magnificent and intimidating. When it tells us that all of its scales represent values that exist nothing more and nothing less we believe it. Nietzsche then says we become like camels, carrying the weight of these values. It is not until we are ALONE in the desert that we begin to question why we hold them. Eventually we drop them and transform into lions. The lion is the opposite of everything the golden dragon told the camel to be. However, the lion is not free. The lion is just the opposite of what ever the dragon says. Freedom comes with the transformation into the child. The child is the one who forgets the value system completely and says yes to life. The whole forgetting means, not concern with whether what their doing is actually right in societies eyes or wrong. Meaning sometimes the child fits in. The child will not stop what they r doing just to be the opposite. It doesn't have a chip on its shoulder. It is truly free. And so the child is the ultimate manifestation of will to power unleashed. Meaning I am doing this because I want to. You may like it and that does not mean I will change. You may also hate it, and I will not change. I dont fear being like you or completely alienated. I was born yesterday I am not aware of you.

I thing the camel, the lion, and the child are not linear transformations. I think some people are camels forever, some people get stuck as lions, some people switch between these phases, etc.

Can wait to hear your thoughts :^)


I may not have a direct answer to your question, but I had thoughts throughout the video. I find it interesting to hear theories of others, but I never find it interests me to define myself in words. I believe in being experienced and not placed into any category. As an individual, I can't reconcile any other person's ideas of reality with my own. I find personal standards to be rigid and limiting. I hope that makes sense. However, I think I grasped the depth of the topic and I'm going to ponder it for a while.


I think it might be a misconception to believe that people, who enter the "Artist-God"-cult, burn up and spend their lifeforce all at once. The immersion to full reality does come with burdens, that change life, but what is the role of the artist if not to create a narrative that can bear this full spectrum of reality? To cultivate a way of being that can wrestle this reality?


I wish every girl knew beauty is intelligent


To live a safe life is to live no life at all.
