The UNBEATABLE Army? $1000 Direct Strike Tournament Finals

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SC2 Arcade Tournament Global Direct Strike League Finals - The Grumpy Kittens take on the Leaked Investors in this tug of war battle between Terran, Zerg & Protoss. What does the ultimate StarCraft 2 army look like?

Check out the League: @GDSLofficial

0:00 Game 1 - What is Direct Strike? The Basics
20:20 Game 2 - High APM Mass Raven Micro
42:30 Game 3 - Triple Terran Timing
56:10 Game 4 - Cinematic Cutscene Mode (Epic)
1:12:55 Game 5+ (Spoiler Free Timestamp)
1:32:40 I Want to play now! More info

StarCraft 2 Legacy of the Void - Global Direct Strike League Finals - Standard Mode - Grumpy Kittens vs Leaked Investors (Best of 7)

Live most days 9PM EST (6PM PST/3AM CET)

Winterstarcraft, Starcraft 2 2023, SC2 2023

#Starcraft2 #SC2 #RTS
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wow new patch really changed things up


Winter: "You just named yourself Nova?"

Reynor: " ... "


Thank you, @WinterStarcraft, for another amazing cast of our Grand Finals! This was probably the last time ravens were used in this capacity, so the next final should look completely different :) Maybe a whole lot of Zerg?!


This is all I play for years now. I recently played a 1v1 nonarcade, and holy cow, it's so damn hard. I watch every GSL and ESL tourney, but none of my knowledge translates to action. Arcade all the way.


Direct Strike - all the fun of watching StarCraft 2 armies smash together without supply blocks! Check Game 4 for "Cinematic Mode" (no commentary/UI), game looks amazing even in 2023.

These nerds take it to the next level with rapid fire spellcasting & positioning in the GDSL Finals, a wild amount of strategy went clear over my head but I tried my best to keep up

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who would have thought that anti-armor missiles and liberator shots is such a good background sound to go to sleep, now i need 1 hour video of terrans fighting


Glad to see some custom game castings. I remember you doing some of these last year, and I’m happy to see more being done this year


never see it before but i loved this and would love to see more GDSL content!


HEYYY I LOVE DIRECT STRIKE! Cool to see you broadcasting this


I love direct strike because it's the one game on the arcade where you can make no mistakes and still lose because your team mates think it's OK to grab 3 gas in 5 minutes.


Lol. I played so much Direct Strike and had no idea you can micro the units xD


This might sound stupid, so feel fun to call me a big dumb idiot, but direct strike always makes me wonder why high level Terran don't throw a few reapers into bio armies early game, and use them like ghosts, throwin out some grenades to offset your opponents damage/positioning a little.

Idk maybe it just like, wouldn't do anything, and in some cases the grenades might cause more harm than good, but I could see a lot of scenarios where the cost of 1 or 2 reapers absolutely pays for itself with grenade value. And if Terran players can micro ghost emp in tvp while managing their bio army, I don't see how a couple reapers would be all that much different


For more SC2 direct strike content, you can listen to this bit of shameless plugging.

First, you can go to Tya's personal channel, Tya, where you get daily direct strike fights, where you can play the guessing game about which unit's will win and post your 0/4s in the comments.
There is also, as mentioned by winter, project incurus, who has some older direct strike commander's and weekly brawl videos, plus a good number of livestreams.
Then, if you want daily weekly brawl videos, there is wujooz blazeman gaming, who does daily videos on the weekly brawl. Last week was kitchen sink, which, whilst it was kinda samey just because of how the modifier works and also a recent han and horner change putting out a more defined kitchen sink meta than normal, does show off a lot of commander's in each video.


This isn't Direct Strike. Where's the protoss player who gets 3 gas before mass un-upgraded stalkers then rages about their allies in chat?


A thing to keep in mind is the commander ratings on ds-rating are lifetime. Looking at commander ratings per patch gives a better idea of their current strength.


I didn’t know anyone did this mode seriously! It’s super fun to mess around in casually. I love making the armies, not just playing around with army composition but also setting up battle lines for them to spawn in. Like doing three massive lines of zerglings, with some columns of banelings, and Uktralisks to soak up some damage is just entertaining o watch. I really need to get a computer so I can play this game again.


Really enjoyed the Zerg gameplay here!


i remember playing the original map in the starcraft, it was my most favorite, and played map back then.


Here are some fresh chess-tactics for all non Desert Striker out there:
- Mass Queens (dont do it against protoss, 1 templar will fuck you up) and mass mutas
- Mass Sentry with Hallucination (when the enemy doesnt have detection those are OP.)
- Cant think of anything. Mass Banshees? Idk. JUST BUILD MARINES MAN!

Some good2follow-Rulezz:
- Mid Control gives you extra gas. Therefore dont take gas if you cant control mid.
- click onto your opponent units to see their upgrades. Try to match that kinda.
- you can scan the base of your enemy, reveiling their gas
- take upgrades after your units have been sent out. They will still count for that army. So you can squeeze 1 or 2 more units in


You got it wrong. Center line is worth 12 gas, because by losing mid, you also give mid to the other team.
