[RANT] NEIL YOUNG vs. SPOTIFY — My musical heroes are DEAD WRONG

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#FreeSpeech #Censorship #ScientificDebate
According to Neil Young, we're allowed to keep on ROCKIN' in the free world, but certain doctors and scientists shouldn't be allowed to keep on TALKIN' in the free world.
This is my rant about the recent anti-free-speech actions of Neil Young and four of my lifelong musical heroes and social activists.
Based on what they taught me in their own protest songs, they've got this issue DEAD WRONG and it may stain their legacies.
Watch to find out why I think so, and please leave a comment to tell everyone what YOU think!

⏰ Timestamps
0:00 - Why the RANT? Guitar Discoveries Theme
0:28 - Neil Young, Spotify & Joe Rogan
1:06 - Rogan's controversial guests
2:09 - History of Scientific & Medical progress
2:45 - Suppressive "codewords" and the damage they cause
4:18 - Who decides? and what we've sacrificed
5:40 - Building immunity naturally vs. technologically
6:53 - Neil Young labels a rebel as an enemy
7:20 - Neil Young's history of protest songs
9:32 - Trying to understand Neil's 180
10:11 - Neil reverses his positions (and brings his friends along)
11:13 - Collateral damage and silencing experts
11:49 - My Heroes are DEAD WRONG based on what they taught me!
13:04 - Why label Rogan? The value of uncomfortable questions
14:25 - Adding irony to insult - Neil's deal with the devil
15:23 - It's really about FREE SPEECH


From a 53-year veteran of Family Practice Medicine and progressive Democrat:

Robert Cassard shares guitars, gear and tips to make you a better musician.




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Hi, my name is Robert Cassard. Thank you for watching, liking and subscribing.

I am a lifelong guitar player, singer-songwriter, producer, and music fanatic. I create Guitar and Recording Discoveries videos to share the pure joy of music — shortcuts to help you play guitar, sing, record and sound great doing it. I learn the hard way so you don’t have to!

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Thanks for creating this video Robert. I am also disappointed that Neil and the others have decided to do this, for all the reasons you stated. Just another thing that seems to be upside down. I had not heard these pod casts until Neil brought them to attention...after listening to them, I completely agree with what you said. What's the big problem?
We need to preserve Free Speech.
Thanks again.


As young men age, they become more cautious and timid. When one is successful in one particular
endeavor over a long period of time; often that one develops a certain hubris that convinces them that
their abilities in that one endeavor carries over to many or all endeavors.


Well said Robert, I'm also a massive fan of these musicians and a fellow child of the 60s, but these days it seems like many things are back to front and upside down, 'strange days indeed' as John Lennon once sang - goodness knows what he'd make of it all!? Peace Out 🎸✌️


Thanks for your thoughtful explanation. Young & Mitchell's actions make me sad to be Canadian


Robert - great insight!, that was a great perspective. Almost hypocritical on Neil’s part for example. . Good one.


I too was disappointed in them, which means some revulsion, disenchantment and loss of interest. In today’s climate, when artists get political, they risk losing half of their fans on a variety of issues. It certainly alienates me. A difference of opinion is one thing, but demonising and shutting down debate takes it to another level. My line in the sand.


Thank you for this commentary Robert. A friend just forwarded to me... Very well articulated. I agree!


Spot on, thanks for the voice of reason.


Thanx for a reasoned logical response to the media narrative.


BOOM! You hit the nail on the damn head.


Neil Young went through an arguably "right-wing" period in the 1980s.
So, his record as a "protest singer" is checkered.
But certain things have remained more or less constant:
He has sounded strident on several occasions, and has been prone to excesses.
And his political "bona fides" has shown intolerance of opposing views.
So, that side of his character, in my opinion, has always been there.
If I'm right about that, then lately these traits have only become more visible.
My 2 cents.


My personal theory of why Rogan is so popular: He lets people talk.


All of those examples you gave of Neil Young’s work and songs, only leads me to believe you should therefore rethink your stance


Well did you see the latest where Rogan was saying that what Biden said should have him disbarred from public office because of how stupid it was. Both him and guest were poking fun at how stupid it was.

Rogan and Guest then put on a Master Class in hypocrisy when they found out it was actually Trump who'd said it and that Biden was actually repeating Trump to show how stupid Trump was.

So his objectivity schtick was trashed by Rogan himself


I disagree with you 100%. You're conflating science/medicine with freedom of speech. You started out wrong by saying that medicine is often wrong as new information comes available recommendations often change. So are you saying we can not trust medicine? (Buddy, if you have a heart attack, you're gonna want a doctor, not a really good plumber.) As our knowledge increases we get a better understanding disease and come up with better treatments (as you said). This does not mean what went before was wrong, as you suggest. Then you added the corporate greed of Pharma, which is true, but has nothing to do with medicine. Pharma doesn't control medicine, they just profit from it. (As do the greedy insurance companies.) Then you went on to say that since medicine is wrong, and greedy Pharma controls everything and pushes out lies to control us and that anyone who tries to correct false information is blocking freedom of speech. What a pile. Sure, there's freedom of speech. You can set-up your soapbox in Times Square and spew whatever nonsense you want, but it is the fool who believes the nonsense from unqualified sources and disregards credible sources. You mentioned that there are some doctors who have differing opinions. Hmmm, how many? Who are they? What kind of doctors? I can assure you they're not infectious disease specialists. At the end of Rogan's interview with Fauci, Rogan said to him, 'well I think we can agree that you can believe what you want to believe and I'll believe what I believe.' What fool. Rogan is an entertainer with zero education in science or medicine and Fauci is a scientist with a huge background in infectious disease. Fauci isn't one person, he's representing tens of thousands of scientists who work hard to discover the truth. Now, who do you want to take advice from? How about 45's bright idea about drinking bleach or using UV light internally (somehow)? Does that sound genius to you? Does it sound even plausible? How about the WA State Trooper who left his job because he refused to get vaccinated because he thought it infringed on his freedoms? He's dead now due to Covid (look it up). Where did he get these ideas? Rogan and right-wing media lies I would guess. This has nothing to do with freedom (unless it's freedom to being stupid), it's about health. It's about staying out of the hospital. It's about not dying. You're getting your info from bad sources and although the health authorities have made some missteps in getting the facts to the public, they're much more reliable than politicians. In the end you say liked Young, et al in the past, because they 'spoke their minds against silencing anyone's points of view.' They did not. They spoke truth against lies. And they continue this still today. And you knocking Young because he sold his catalog as a business decision makes your argument even worse; this has nothing to do with anything you're talking about. Stay healthy my friend.
