Fionn Regan : House Detective & Be Good Or Be Gone : Serpentine Sessions 29 June 2010

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Two songs from Fionn Regan's stunning performance on the main stage at the Serpentine Sessions in Hyde Park, London on 29 June 2010, supporting Patti Smith. This was something really quite special. It was hard to believe that we were actually watching the support act here. The cavernous tent was pretty much full, the audience seemingly won over from the very first song -- and Fionn totally commanded the stage as though he was the headliner. This was a supremely confident performance, and the band was amazing throughout, especially on the extended workout on 'Lord Help My Poor Soul'. The set concluded with a jaw-dropping, almost-hear-a-pin-drop solo reading of 'Be Good Or Be Gone'. Simply awe inspiring stuff!

The two songs featured here are 'House Detective', which can be found on Fionn Regan's 2010 album, 'The Shadow of an Empire', and 'Be Good Or Be Gone', which appears on his 2006 debut album, 'The End Of History'.

The two albums are actually quite different. The debut was mostly acoustic, one-man-and-his-guitar, singer-songwriter material and very beautiful; the second and most recent is altogether rockier, in a Dylan-goes-electric kind of way and is utterly brilliant.

So, if you like 'House Detective', buy 'The Shadow of an Empire'; if you like 'Be Good Or Be Gone', buy 'The End Of History'. If you like both songs, you have impeccable taste and have probably bought both albums already!
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@nwardezir777 Yeah, he's great isn't he?! Love Serpentine Sessions too - as you say, great vibe - and Patti, Fionn and Dawn Kinnard were all awesome.

Sadly, couldn't make it to the Laura Marling night, but I was lucky enough to see her at the Palladium back in April. She's amazing.
