8 Things Wealthy People Do Differently | The Financial Diet

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Great tips! Outsourcing (paying money to buy yourself more time) and taking vacations (experiences over things) are legit scientifically proven ways to buy happiness. We probably don't do it as often as we should, but we're also not rich...yet.--Tasha


Love that you used "her" as the pronoun for boss. I, a woman, automatically thought it's a man when you said boss and chuckled when you said "her." 😄


"Life is not meant to be one huge challenge that you take on totally alone."

I wish I knew that earlier.


"No one comes up to you and gives you the life you want"!!!!


I think the first caveat for this video needed to be that you will NEVER accumulate wealth unless you consistently live BELOW your income. Because statistics tell us that most of us are over-spending and under-saving.


Today I had a few urgent errands to run. I paid my younger sister to do them for me while I work on my online job. Also. Paid a lady to come do my laundry at a small fee just so I can get more time to do my work and still accomplish other tasks. As I turn 30 I've come to realise that time is very equal to money. Use it sparingly 😊


I always love the advice on this channel! I'm such a nerd when it comes to saving money haha, I love it! Yay for being financially responsible! Lol


It’s true about the discussing money. It’s about context people don’t talk about it socially but if you have and advisor of some kind you are literally paying them


Outsourcing is super important in your career. Example; I'm great at social media planning for books, but I'm not good at graphic design. So, I teamed up with another member of our staff and she did the book release graphics, and I did all her social media posts. We ended up with a great launch line up for our next title.


Time is something we can't buy which is why those who are wealthy are always looking for ways to gain time back i.e. cleaning service, outsourcing, personal assistant, etc. This video was very well put together. I'm consistently wanting to learn about the way wealthy individuals think and work.


Anytime someone says “scientifically proven” I cringe


It's only been 2 minutes and I'm learning so much this morning. Thanks! =)


I have this question: rich people behave like that when they are already rich or they broke af but then behave like that and became rich???? Thank you.


Hi Chelsea. My daughter thought this would be of interest to me, and she was right. As a wealthy person now, (as defined by being in the top 1% of Americans by net worth) who was actually a broke person 20 years ago, I agree with your eight differences about how the wealthy think. I also have a list of differences (I call them attitudes) of the wealthy, and my list has nine items on it, and only two of them sort of match your list. Please let me know if you would like to see my list of nine different attitudes that anyone can adopt.
And I only have one thing I disagree with, but it was not your list. It was a comment you made prior to starting your list. You said money can change who a person is, like they become less empathetic. Instead, I believe the quote from Warren Buffet is very accurate: "Of the billionaires I have known, money just brings out the basic traits in them. If they were jerks before they had money, they are simply jerks with a billion dollars."
Your other comment that we do ask questions and want to make our life easier is also something I agree with. Asking questions is one of the key items on my list of nine attitudes.


It took me so long to give myself permission to hire a cleaner. But it saves me so much anguish and us so many fights. Best money I spend every month!


I've been following this wonderful channel for awhile now. I have to admit, this is one damn quality video. I feel very grateful to have the knowledge of everyone on this channel at my disposal. Thank you so much!


Hey! Not sure how knowledgeable you are in this field, but any chance you’d be able to make s video for those of us in the market for a new car? New vs. used vs. leasing, etc.? I would really appreciate I.T!


ok Chelsea where do you get your amazing corporate casual clothes 😍


Lots of good stuff to think about. And always good to remind young people to start thinking about retirement.


You are AMAZING. So young but so driven!! I feel that your advice is targeted towards millenials, but I am a 63 year old retired teacher and I find your videos very informative, thought inspiring & very often amusing. I am too old to start "investing", but I'm pleased that you are teaching young women that they are responsible for their own financial future & well being. I watch you every day; you've become an interesting, valuable "friend" who I sit down with & get ideas from. I wish that You Tube had been around when I was young as I am..er...aspire to be a writer & believe that I may have the confident flair for public speaking that is needed to present content in such an enthralling way! (so I'm told..). I look forward to future videos & our daily visits.
