Things that are considered RUDE in Korean culture!
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Things That Are Considered RUDE in Japan Part 2
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Things That Are Considered RUDE in Japan Part 4
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10 things that are considered RUDE in Korea [KOR/ENG sub]
‘Let your elders eat first’
Stray Kids: I.N EAT FIRST.
Edit: Yes, Maknae on Top, keep it going in the replies
“unless your the oldest person, never take the first bite”
Stray Kids: *Y'all hear something???*
"Oldest takes the first bite"
Stray Kids: Let's I.N eat first bite then dig in.
"the eldest person eats first"
Stray Kids: *bombastic side eye*
Sunoo, taking a bite of the ramen before everyone else: *criminal offensive side eye*
"oldest people eat first" Twins staring at each other awkwardly
"the eldest one takes the first bite"
Stray Kids - Is it done like this-
Yea pretty sure Chan waits till all are eating to start himself 😅 being a dad to 7 stray kids are hard
not me watching all your videos before i go to korea bc my half korean self was not taught any korean manners
In Latin America: feed the children first so they don’t bother us while we eat lol
Me being a stay and seeing all the comments about stray kids 💀
i want everyone at my funeral to wear all pink + heart shaped sunglasses. as many rhinestones and glitter as possible would be preferred 😌
Nahhh. I have my whole plate finished before my grandma even sits down 💀
India is so much of a different case people don’t think of clothing much tho it has been shown in movie we wear white but it’s never like that!! It’s ur day to day wear nothing flashing in times of funeral for Hindus the funeral goes as long as thirteen days and the 13th day is a dinner event held for the person who died, people also bring fruits and sweets for the family because the stove isn’t allowed to used for few hours and many other rituals in all the ceremony here is a whole different case
In India we wear White at a funeral most of the time but if you don't have full white clothes then we mostly wear very Dull colour
'Elders eat first'
Maknae on top whoooaa whooaah ohh ❤
If I were the oldest person at the table, I would either troll and wait way too long to start eating or forget that everyone can't eat until I do and unintentionally make them annoyed lol.
When I heard the first one, my mind immediately went to Stray kids and seems like the comment section agrees too
It’s the opposite in monotheistic cultures, children eat first, parents are supposed to sacrifice and be patient. Same goes to letting the old and fragile eat first AND with them. Giving company is highly encouraged
The thing about funeral its also in my country (Greece 🇬🇷)
Not skz breaking the first rule with their amazing maknae