A Divided South Africa | Bigger Than Five

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30 years after Nelson Mandela’s release from prison, Obakeng Leseyane, a 21-year-old education advocate and youth activist, looks at the legacy of apartheid in South Africa.

#SouthAfrica #Apartheid #NelsonMandela

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My beloved South Africa😓 I'm worried about the future. We have so much potential


Corruption and greed of political parties cause inequality in the socities


I do understand the current position amongst black people has got worse over the last 25 years under the ANC government. The corruption and looting of state coffers has done a tremendous amount of damage to the economy and the shortsighted proposals of Government are not helping at all.
One of the biggest problems South Africans as a whole are suffering is that a lot of the ANC proposals are not sensible and are continuously failing, but at a great cost.
Secondly the population boom specifically in the Black Population is not helping at all.
An example: If the country only has an economic growth of 1% and the S African people (mostly black) are popping out children at a 15% population growth, then its no wonder that the majority of South Africans are struggling and getting poorer and poorer.
With a 1% growth in economy and 15 % growth of the population, there is no ways there enough work for the population explosion. The Black population are sinking deeper and deeper into poverty by 14%.
Until the Black community start to realise that by having too many children they are themselves the instrument that is causing their own poverty and downfall. This is the reality of the position now. It needs to addressed by families as a matter of immediate attention.
Another point that should be discussed is:
If young boys are getting young girls(14 -19) pregnant, it should be mandatory that the Boy's parents and the young boy have to look after the young girl and the baby at their expense under their roof. This will assist to eradicate this problem of baby boom and limited funds for these kids to be brought up properly.
Another option is for the government to change the grant for these unmarried baby boomers.
Young unmarried girls 13, 14 up to19 years, if you dont have a Baby out of wedlock you get a government grant, and not the other way around.
Hopefully readers will find my thoughts on the current poverty in the country an interesting and helpful message.
Thank you


Did u really think that ANC could have transformed SA in 25 years a legacy of 400 hundred years are serious bro.


Mandela ends apartheid in South Africa in 1994 after his released from prison...


White poorty is a thing in south africa although income inequality is highest in south Africa it is not based on race anymore.


Yes, money and power.... that's all that ever divides people.... and it's forever beyond their grasp to actually do anything about it. Clearly the sheeple are completely devoid of any possibility of free will.


Thi s ex plains b lack are le ss in tell igent.
