If you try to Control or Force things to happen WATCH THIS

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trying to "force" or control things to happen is what is BLOCKING it from coming into your life and here is how to fix that. if you're someone who tries to control and force things to happen, this video will help you change your life.
The Most Powerful Meditation EVER For Feeling Worthy, Whole and Complete:
Find Out Your Vibration NOW and Receive a Personalized Meditation:
#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
One thing I really learned in a huge breakthrough this year, was how my beliefs about women and feminine energy was being reflected back to me in my life. Many of you know my story about my ex step mom who was a narcissist when I was 7-16 years old. A narcissist has a hunger for needing attention and often times tries to emotionally and mentally control others to get what they want. Narcissists are really good manipulators and create a dynamic where they have their partner in this sort of loop of control and emotional games. What's interesting to realize in a wounded masculine and wounded feminine energy dynamic, is that both actually crave love and validation but approach it very differently.
Control and forcing is a direct reflection of not trusting. The way you learn to trust more is to break down your beliefs. Look at situations in your past where you couldn't trust someone for a specific reason or a belief that you created around an experience. At a certain point in your past you made a decision to protect yourself by becoming controlling of the situations, people and experiences. The natural byproduct of this is not trusting the universe and your feminine energy. Trust means just allow, and still set the necessary boundaries. You then can change the meaning of what happened in the past which directly changes your reality. The emotional triggers are then redefined and don't effect you the same way. The story you tell yourself is only reflected back to you in your reality so once you allow yourself to let go and flow, you'll see how much easier things become.
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
The Most Powerful Meditation EVER For Feeling Worthy, Whole and Complete:
Find Out Your Vibration NOW and Receive a Personalized Meditation:
#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
One thing I really learned in a huge breakthrough this year, was how my beliefs about women and feminine energy was being reflected back to me in my life. Many of you know my story about my ex step mom who was a narcissist when I was 7-16 years old. A narcissist has a hunger for needing attention and often times tries to emotionally and mentally control others to get what they want. Narcissists are really good manipulators and create a dynamic where they have their partner in this sort of loop of control and emotional games. What's interesting to realize in a wounded masculine and wounded feminine energy dynamic, is that both actually crave love and validation but approach it very differently.
Control and forcing is a direct reflection of not trusting. The way you learn to trust more is to break down your beliefs. Look at situations in your past where you couldn't trust someone for a specific reason or a belief that you created around an experience. At a certain point in your past you made a decision to protect yourself by becoming controlling of the situations, people and experiences. The natural byproduct of this is not trusting the universe and your feminine energy. Trust means just allow, and still set the necessary boundaries. You then can change the meaning of what happened in the past which directly changes your reality. The emotional triggers are then redefined and don't effect you the same way. The story you tell yourself is only reflected back to you in your reality so once you allow yourself to let go and flow, you'll see how much easier things become.
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0