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In this video I remove and replace my older Cobra 29LX CB radio for a newer and smaller unit from President Electronics called, Andy USA. This Andy USA CB radio is small but still packed with features like ASC (Automatic Squelch Control), channel scan, multi-colored screen, talk back, Roger beep and more.

***This channel is for entertainment purposes only! Do not do what I do. Do not take my advice. I am not a professional. The methods I use may be completely wrong and/or dangerous. Please seek professional help with anything and everything and do your own due diligence (research). Working on cars is extremely dangerous. I am not responsible for any loss of life or limb or property. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. THIS CHANNEL IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!***

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Every car I have owned for the last 30 years... I get laughed at but during Katrina, no cell phones worked, but the CBs worked...


I’m a professional trucker and the main reason I use a cb is to communicate with shipping warehouses when I arrive at their facility, they usually have a sign posted with what channel for us to use on the cb, it’s a lot easier than getting out of the truck and going in to find someone and also now with this COVID-19 crap, most factories don’t allow you in there now.


Some more CB trivia for you .. in the 1960's and 70's ... channel 7 was the "Trucker's Channel" .. Channel 9 was for emergency only and the FCC could come after you if you used it for other than an emergency.
Channel 11 was the "Local's channel" and travelers to your city could go to channel 11 for local information like the location of a certain store or the closest gas station... it wasn't until several years later (early 70's) that channel 19 replaced 11 as the "Local's Channel.
As a professional trucker for many years I found the CB invaluable for everything from staying awake by talking to other truckers or talking to "City Kitties", "County Mounties" and full grown Bears".. it was always nice to know if a bear was "setting up house keeping" at a certain mile marker or if a Scale was open that was usually closed. and then there were the times when we truckers helped the police as their "eyes and ears".. I'm old now (79) but I remember the good ole days of CB.

the Carolina Cowboy
Carson City, NV


Cb radios are a way of life in Australia.
See how well you phone works in a desert.


General licensed amateur here. I encourage all CB radio operators to get their Amateur license, even if you don't get an Amateur radio. The information that is necessary to be a ham is invaluable to maximizing the 11 meter band due to not only tuning an antenna, but building one specific to your purposes as well, whether it be dipole, ground plane, beam, or any variation. For instance, if you have local friends on CB you can all run horizontal dipoles to reduce noise that is prominent on vertical polarization, though you might need to tweek the direction they are facing in order to talk to each other. It's all radio so the physics doesn't change with licensing. Add that to the ability to assemble and tune a ground plane antenna from telephone wire and a handful of parts and raise it into a tree in order to increase your range is critical in a disaster situation, no matter the band.

The 10m and 11m bands are close in their characteristics and will DX worldwide in the right conditions on not a lot of power.
Speaking of power, it doesn't take a lot to talk a long way. Height, antenna, and tuning make more difference (to a point) than power so 4 watts on AM and 12 watts on SSB is PLENTY. The Amateur QRP (low power) people routinely cover entire states on less than ten watts SSB. It's a matter of using the right band for the job in the right atmospheric conditions with the right mode.
CB has its own strong and weak points, like any other band, and does good for some things and not so good for others. Overall it's a good HF frequency and has a lot to offer, performance wise. Unfortunately, the radios themselves have only recently began moving away from 50 year old electronics technology.
I suspect in the coming years CB electronics will somewhat catch up to Amateur, which is a good thing, especially since FM is now allowed on 11 meters here in the States.

I will also suggest in investing in a CB radio that has SSB capabilities as a first or only radio. It's a better value.



I was heading westbound on an icy hwy and picked up my smartphone and tried to call all the traffic going the other way to tell them that there was a huge pileup on the other side of the hill ahead of them, but I couldn't get thru to anyone, nobody answered. Folks, you can only do that with a CB radio!


Great video but here's the problem with your installation. The heat sink on the back of the radio is designed to be in the open air. The output transistors on the inside of the radio are mounted to the heat sink in order to cool down the components. Sandwiching the radio between the seat cushion and the center console will produce a lot of heat which could damage your final transistors. This type of installation won't be an issue if one uses the radio to primarily receive transmissions however if one spends a lot of time talking, they will eventually have a problem.


I know YouTube's algorithm requires it but, the titles have been pretty misleading lately...


CB is a great hobby.Ive been "on the air" for close to 30 years now.Pretty affordable to get started up too.Ive got the President Lincoln 2+. Great radio with single side band modes.


I’m 46 years old and I’ve been using a CB radio since the late 80s and every time I use them I truly enjoyed them thank you for this video....


CB IS NEEDED for Many purposes and will be BIG TIME needed in the future with all the crap being pulled on us all by the powers that be!!


I've been using CB for 20 years, I'm also a Ham Radio Operator, and a Truck Driver. My first love was cb. After watching your videos I really think I may put my radios back in. My main radios I use are a Galaxy 979ssb in the Truck and a President HR2510 in my Car. I run a Wilson 5000trucker in the truck and a Tram 3100 mag mount in the car. The antenna whip is 5.5 ft It works really well! Thanks for doing the videos


Son I love your enthusiasm. I have been in radio since the mid 70s. I doubt it would measure up against my Cobra 148 GTL or my Delta Force Magnum. Keep learning, your on the right path.


I'm 53 years old and lived in the Bronx, N.Y. and I always had a CB radio in my car back in the day, I absolutely loved it met so many great people on it! Have fun my friend


I forgot about CB's. Thanx for reminding me about them. I will put one in my 1952 Ford COE project. I had one in my 1964 Mercury Comet in the early 90's


"Why to you should TRASH your CB radio"

**literally says only good things about CB radios**


I've been using CB's since I was about 15yrs old (long time ago) and I've gotten all my friends into them as well. I like what you're doing here. Keep it up.


I drove Trucks for nearly 30 years before I retired a few years ago. I had a President CB Radio that was about the same size as the Cobra 29. You got a smaller unit. There was a lot of cursing on the radio so I didn't have it turned on very often. I will install one of my CB Radios in my vehicle one of these days to check for accidents on the interstate highway before I get on the highway. Nice video.


Cheap skate, getting a brand new rig for $ 35, but then still cutting the poor dude down to $ 20


I've been on CB since the early 90 back then every one was on the CB now their aren't any local on it I got a CB in my vehicle I talk to trucker on it. I met my wife on the CB in 1997
