Mastering Delegation in Power Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

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In this in-depth tutorial, we dive deep into the concept of delegation in Power Apps, a crucial aspect that every Power Apps developer needs to understand for building efficient and high-performing applications.

Learn how delegation works with different data sources like SharePoint and Dataverse and understand the difference between "delegable" and "non-delegable" queries. This video provides a hands-on demonstration of connecting a Power App to a SharePoint list, adding a gallery to display data, and how Power Apps retrieves data on an as-needed basis, enhancing performance when dealing with large data sets.

We also explore the "data row limit" setting in Power Apps, which determines the number of records Power Apps retrieves for non-delegable queries. Discover how some queries that are non-delegable in SharePoint become delegable in Dataverse, and how this impacts the functionality and performance of your app.

This video is a must-watch for anyone looking to master Power Apps, whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer looking to brush up on your skills. By understanding delegation, you'll be able to build more efficient, responsive applications, ensuring a smooth user experience even when dealing with large data sets.

We also discuss common pitfalls and misconceptions about delegation in Power Apps, providing you with the knowledge to avoid potential issues in your app development process.

Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tutorials on mastering Power Apps. For further resources and in-depth training classes, check out the links in the description below. Happy app building!

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0:00 Start
0:35 Adding a large SharePoint List and Gallery
1:58 Gallery AllItemsCount and scrolling
3:35 Filter with Delegation working
4:55 Search fucntion and no Delegation
7:17 Changing the Delegation limit and the 2000 item limit
9:12 Comparing SharePoint and Dataverse delegation
11:30 Power Apps Delegation Documentation Overview
14:37 SharePoint ID doesn't work
15:45 Be weary
16:40 Set Data Row Limit to 1 to troubleshoot
18:01 Protect your users and common problems
20:33 Collections are not Delegable


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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for explaining the horrors of delegation, Shane. Just in time as well, as I have a Power apps interview tomorrow and I JUST KNOW that the 'D' word will crop up at some point in my ordeal. Wish me luck!


A big thank for your amazing tip to place the non delegation limit to 1 in order to not fall into Power Apps lying in our faces!
Deal with delegation is not easy and has to be considered and done at the beginning of the app making, a good reminder ;)


I broke one of my apps today. It made me come scrambling back to you for help. I watched this video a few times when I started using Power Apps but it's always good to get a refresh. Thanks again Shane.


Oh my god, that was great, thank you!


Learned few good tips to test delegation. Thank You, Shawn.


Hi Shane, thank you for your awesome content! A question about performance. I have an 'Inventory Transaction' table, in which the amount of rows will be huge. in the same table, I have incoming (one row) and outgoing (can be several rows). All the outgoing rows are related to one incoming row. Meaning, I can calculate the current saldo of the incoming row, by a filter and sum function of incoming and outgoing rows.

I have two options. To add one 'Current Saldo' column, that always have the calculated sum up to date.
Or I can always use the filter and sum function to calculate the current saldo.

What is your thoughts on performance in this case. I would prefer to always use the filter and sum function. But since the inventory table will be huge, and, many times I will need to perform the sum filter calculation for roughly 100 rows, affecting perhaps 100 rows each, meaning 10 000 rows in total.

I would be really thankful for your thoughts in this case!


Great video and content. Always good to refresh ones memory about this important topic. Thanks for sharing


Good video on explaining delegation. Definitely a video a lot of people can benefit from. Thanks


THX for a very good recap. Cannot wait to start on your Power Platform University


Thank you Shane Young for the refresher on delegation


Thank you so much. This video helped me a lot! : )


Shane, cheers again, such an important video. I went back through your related vids and a Q occurred to me that has never been clarified (perhaps because the answer is obvious but we are all told “there are no stupid questions” so….): Most of the time users want more recent records. Does delegation always work on 1st x records based on ID index from 1st to last, OR…..if the E.g. Sharepoint list is sorted ‘newest to oldest’, would delegation work on the most recent items?


As always, great job in explaining the concepts and use of the Power Platform! The only thing missing from your recent videos is the "Intro"... What's up with dropping it?


Thanks for the video - any insights on how to deal with Delegation and the non-delegable Distinct() function ?


is that an artificial limitation? I expected Sharepoint to be able to do odata API. It has search… Weird to call it delegation when it’s an api call basically


Really well explained, I finally understand delegation 😂


Hey Shane, thanks for all the material you share. Quick question. I know that collections are non delegable. However, I am wondering if they are partially delegable. For example, ClearCollect(collectionName, Filter(datasource, dropdown.Selected.Id = Id)). Is the filter portion of the equation delegable?


Thank you for this Video
i have a problem with Filter Function Result
i know Delegation limitation but i use a simple Filter to get a table data as below
in text Proberty for Text Label >>> Count Row(Filter('My Data Verse Table', 'email column' = User().email))
But i get only one record Table
if i use >>> Filter('My Data Verse Table', 'email Coulon' = User().email) in item Proberty for a gallary it list all record Correctly.
Can You offer some help.
Thank You.


Awesome video !

If I understand right, If I use Dataverse with entries, the search, filter, whatever, PowerApps will find and show me all record I want, even if there filter/find 20000 entries ?


The fact that AddColumns isn't delegable but there is no warning is a very nasty feature. Tip, set the delegation limit to one or three rows to check your application for these invisible delegation warnings. Edit: shane explains this! Very good tip.
