Is Black Desert Online Worth Playing in 2024? | My 8 Year Experience

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Is Black Desert Online Worth Playing in 2024? | My 8 Year Experience



▶ Black Desert 2024 Adventure

▶ Black Desert Grind Spots

▶ Black Desert Enhancing

*Helpful Videos*

0:00 - Intro
1:23 - About Black Desert
2:16 - What makes BDO Unique?
3:04 - Is it easy to start playing today?
5:45 - Lifeskills & Crafting
9:35 - PvE (Dungeons & Grinding)
10:30 - PvP (Balanced gear vs uncapped)
13:30 - What to do in BDO & Events
14:38 - Market Economy
15:35 - Beginner gear progression
17:20 - Is BDO P2W? & Cash shop monetization
24:25 - How often do players get new content?
26:25 - Ending & Thanks for watching!

My Black Desert Gameplay on PC includes a Review, Quests, Character Creation, 2023 How To Guides for beginners and veteran players on Life Skills, Gear Enhancing, Best Weapons and Armors, PvE Bosses, Awakening and Succession with live commentary by Jonlaw.

Black Desert (BDO) is an open-world, action MMORPG. Experience intense, action-packed combat, battle massive world bosses, fight alongside friends to siege and conquer castles, and train in professions such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and more! #BlackDesertOnline #BlackDesert #Jonlaw
Рекомендации по теме

"worth it" is always subjective.
I am a "casual" player of BDO on console. I bought the game, I enjoy my time in the game, so it is totaly worth it for me because my time is not wasted. I don't throw much money on it, I don't chase gear or "success" in videogames, I simply have a good time. Doesn't mean I'm "bad", I just don't sweat it, I rather enjoy it.
So yes, totaly wotth it for me. Others may have different opinions, who cares.... it's YOUR time, YOUR money, YOU decide what to do with it, others must not approve.
Subjective ;-)


by the time you progress only with fishing, you would have couple grandchildren tbh:)


been watching alot 705 gs 2 month in now the real grind starts, cup event perfect timing, youve helped me alot to understand certen things about the game :)


Bro just set the standards of what Youtube videos should be like!


If you like grinding, its worth it.
If you like AoS, its worth it.
If you like group content, its inconsistent.
If you like lifeskilling or crafting, its not worth it


If someone is considering playing at this point - don't. The game lost it's direction and all fun it had was sucked out. It's a nice trip to play it for a couple of weeks, but don't get sucked into the grind cause it's currently completely pointless and they made it that way, paired with an awful monetization system you will just regret loosing too much time.


I agree with you saying this game is event driven game, I dont agree that it is sandbox, you can do everything but you will not get to endgame just doing one thing, you need to combine events, quests, lifeskills and grinding, so no sandbox but event and quest driven game is the right description in my opinion


If you dont like grinding, then you won't like most mmos, since that's how it is towards the end game.


It is not worth playing anymore. There are far better alternatives that have clear visions for new players.


I've had bdo for about 5 years now. I'm not the best player but I got 2 characters awakened and on end game. It's not worth it. It gets boring once you get to end game. The game does a horrible job walking you through things. Which is why we have a community of YouTube making the same videos to explain everything. It is very microtransaction heavy even though you do not have to make any. You'll be grinding for weeks of not months to progress even the slightest. Maybe that's part of the feeling of accomplishment but it's gets boring and redundant at some point. If you like brainless combat and running around for hours. This is the game for you, if not. Look elsewhere.


After what i just experience in Throne and liberty, if i dont hear that Bdo is finally coming with a next-gen update, it is NOT worth it😂😅😂


Man just be honest about it, dont beat around the bush about the p2w. It is 100% p2w and is by far the most p2w game in the pc/console market just as bad as mobile games however is the game fun and yes it is and admittedly one of best MMO's out there but everything you buy has some sort of buff applied to it. Buy cosmetics has buffs, buy Pets have buffs and collect loot for you, by ship cosmetics has buffs, pay for enhancemnt material to save you hours from grinding, pay for xp or loot increase scolls and thats just the tip of the iceberg. So there is no "yes and no" to the p2w its just yes but can you obtain everything with out paying and yes you probably can but will take you a very long time compare to a whale


I don t think BDO is worth playing anymore it was in old days.Let s keep it short NO role sistem NO pvp balance NO dps numbers NO team play NO sea content. WHY? pay to use central market and others WHY ? enhancement WHY? when you die from mobs lose gear WHY? gear matter and no skill needed WHY? grind 24/7 for months for gear and after a time new gear come WHY? BDO is like your second job.
