What Is Executive Function - And Why Is Executive Dysfunction So Bad for Mental Health?

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OK, here’s the thing, you (or someone you know) might have been diagnosed with ADHD, depression, PTSD, or anxiety, (because like 30% of the US has had a diagnosis like this). Or even more likely, you might struggle with impulse control, or procrastination, or getting stuff done. Maybe you feel overwhelmed or you’re not reaching your goals. And both the internet and professionals are quick to give you a big diagnosis, like ADHD or anxiety…But what if it might be more helpful to think of it differently? What if we could describe the cause of your symptoms in a much more specific, actionable way?

I cannot say it loudly enough how important it is to learn about executive function, because when you do you might be amazed to find out that you have a specific name for a specific problem that has a specific set of skills that actually solve that problem. THIS is why we’re going to talk about what the heck is executive function and six things you can do to improve your executive functioning skills.

Executive function is a set of mental skills coordinated in the brain’s frontal lobe that sorts through information, delays gratification, manages thoughts and emotions and decides what is most important and helps you take action toward your goals instead of just what you feel like doing. Yeah, it’s pretty darn important.

Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.

Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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I'm autistic and executive dysfunction is a big part of that as well (a bit sad it wasn't mentioned). Personally i really struggle with making any sort of decisions, or starting anything without knowing exactly what to do step by step from the beginning. Essays and assignments in school is always difficult, not so much bc of time blindness or prioritizing, but because I can't start without knowing exactly what I have to do/write.


I am so grateful to find people talking about this. Growing up I felt like I was drowning. School was the Titanic, low student classes were my lifeboat. My mom never thought I had ADHD because of PTSD and trauma. Yet when I got diagnosed after 20 years she finally understood. She always wondered why I was good at things I loved yet never good at basic things. So happy education has come a long way.


I am so happy my partner found you. She is always looking for information to help me. I am an older adult that was diagnosed with ADHD in 2022. I’m 63 yo. It took a psychologist and psychiatrist to pinpoint the issue and it took some time. Now I search for information and my partner found you. I thank you so much for bringing information, knowledge, and skills to the table. You are excellent.


I can sometimes just block on doing anything, almost like a dissociative response. I know I have things to do, but it feels as if my brain is literally telling me, "Nope, I'm not doing anything right now. Sorry." At times like this, it feels impossible to focus on anything, and I genuinely experience the feeling of not caring that I am just sitting and staring at my screen without doing anything. It feels like burnout or perhaps overwhelm, and I've always suspected it is related to executive dysfunction, but I'm not really sure. It could also be anxiety presenting in a different way that is just generating a ton of cortisol, which I think can manifest as an inability to focus or take action.


Thanks for address this topic! I do absolutely feel like I’m drowning all the time even though my life has relatively few demands 🌊🤯


I knew I had really bad problems with executive dysfunction but this video really helped me see that it's actually the source of a lot of my anxiety. I know I have ADHD but I guess I didn't realize just how much it was affecting me.


Thank you. I want to share this with my students to help them. Listening to this video filled me with such joy because I thought this is a way I could help students not feel broken.


Timing is insane, Thanks for talking about this!


Executive function makes me realize it has gotten worse when I was in survival mode in moments of my past, many failures, and worsening self image.


Living w adhd i tell people its like living the movie "ground hog day" or pushing through mud. Ty for discussing these topics. ❤


Thank you so much for this! I’ve struggled with this literally my whole life. It started in grade school when I wouldn’t do my homework until the morning it was due, while on the bus, and then life got more and complicated as the years went on. I could never find a word for this condition, and it’s so hard to describe other than to appear lazy or stupid (my perception of myself). I liked his analogy of waves constantly crashing, but the one I use: it’s like swimming in the ocean with a weight tied to me. It’s so hard to stay afloat.


Thank you so much for this video. It is so helpful to be able to put a name on a problem and thus find possibile solutions. In Switzerland where I live, ADHS ist still considered a disease concerning only children. So I am very greatful for your work.


This video just changed my life for the better. I’m on the autism spectrum. I’ve been sharing this with my relatives.


Almost 60 F. Dx asd almost 2 yrs. Cannot believe it was missed for so so long. Please tell me not too late. I try and look back and see my lack and inabilities and lack of support and help 😫💔😪


I just started reading atomic habits a couple of weeks ago and it's been a great read.


I sustained a severe TBI last year and a neuropsychiatric noted I have executive functioning dysfunction as a result of my TBI. This video is so helpful. Looking forward into the dysfunction video.


I found this video so helpful and it’s certainly given me some hope. I’ve felt broken for so long but I know I don’t fit the diagnostic labels like ADHD or autism. I also don’t have depression or anxiety currently though I have in the past and I’m pretty much constantly stressed (likely due to my executive functioning difficulties). Time blindness is probably the biggest one for me but I relate to several of the other difficulties mentioned too.


Thank you.. I think you explain everything perfectly and you show no judgement whatsoever and you are vulnerable and are absolutely amazing


I recognized many Neurodivergent characteristics in me as the topic started to hit mainstream in Social Media. But also. I have to say that it's more recently, just as I was going through many very stressful situations and big changes in my life. At this point I do not look for a diagnosis but for skills to manage my life and go toward the direction I want. Executive disfunction and disassociation were really bad for the last 2 years, now I' practicing Aikido, and I stared being more mindful about conditions that make it worst. I'm about to find a good match therapist in better help. I hope it works out 💌💌


Terrific! Names to 'issues'. Helps know what to research and work on next. Thank you
