Biden Asks Congress to Authorize Bridge Funds as Soon as Possible | Balance of Power

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"Balance of Power" focuses on the intersection of politics and global business. On the show today, Council of Economic Advisers Chair, Jared Bernstein, discusses concerns of inflation following the latest jobs data, and concerns of increasing unemployment for black American's. Cindy McCain, World Food Program Executive Director, discusses whether or not the Israeli Airstrikes that killed seven aid workers has cause the programme to rethink its efforts.
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glad to see mrs.mccain!! senater.mccain loved South Korea.
he was really great leader.


How about no. Why not have insurance pay for it so there can be an ACTUAL investigation


14:30 Fully agree here, the only way to lower inflation sustainably is supply side.
1. Use more cheaper ways of moving goods compared to diesel trucks, e.g. look at railway, and pipe line as much as possible.
2. Lower utility costs/administered prices of electricity and water


😆Guess how many years to build this bridge ?
29-3-2024, Biden’s $7.5 billion investment in EV charging has only produced 7 stations in two years.
After two years, that program has only delivered seven open charging stations with a total of 38 spots where drivers can charge their vehicles, according to a spokesperson for the Federal Highway Administration. (The funding should be enough to build up to 20, 000 charging spots or around 5, 000 stations, according to analysis from the EV policy analyst group Atlas Public Policy.)


God is only one, which is both transcendent (wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe) and immanent (involved in the material universe).

The God who is transcendent and the God who touches mankind are one and the same. That is, these energies are not something that proceed from God or that God produces, but rather they are God himself: distinct, yet inseparable from God's inner being.

God who is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided", uncreated, immaterial, and eternal. There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.

Who dares to fight you?… God. Only God is Holy and Perfect. Only He is capable of judging the behavior and actions of others. Don’t test His patience with your greed, delusions, desires for self preservation, and lame ducks on bags of Eurodollars.

Man’s fault is his disbelief that there is one whose power far exceeds his own. While you are the most polite person on earth, God is the only one, which is both transcendent (wholly independent of, and removed from, the material universe) and immanent (involved in the material universe). Only He can decide the fate of the world. He needs not you, a club of friends, or large scale leaders of the new world order that contain Trump, Xi, Erdogan, Orban, Khamenei, Kim, and Iblis.

God again is both three and one (triune); the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, "one in essence and undivided". Uncredited, immaterial, and eternal. It is is not man’s place to put himself above all others.

In the words of St. James, “Who are you to do this? Who died and left you in charge of the universe?” God needs no minions, shareholders, or a presidential cabinet!

When we make plans in life without consulting God, living according to OUR WILL instead of HIS. Behaving in this way, giving God’s WILL a backseat shows that we view ourselves far too highly.

The Good Book teaches over and over again that nothing more clearly summarizes the character of a genuine believer than a desire to do the will of God instead of the will of self. In Psalm 40:8 David wrote, “I delight to do Your will, O my God.”  In Mark 3:35 Jesus taught that, “whoever does the will of God, he is My brother and sister and mother.”


We’re so RICH that just keep SPENDING !!!
