KPMG Cyber Resilience Learn about Security and Risk from APT Nation State Actors

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Cyber-attacks by state actors pose the greatest long-term economic threat to businesses around the world. In fact, “Cyber-attacks by state actors are no longer rare, they are actually the new normal.”

Many organizations find this topic difficult to understand and how to allocate investments to mitigate these risk. Join cyber defence expert Marcel Van Kaam from KPMG and Vectra AI for a discussion to investigate this risk, to shed light on emerging advanced persistent threats (APT), the methods they deploy to infiltrate, evade, escalate, progress and breach organisations, and how best to detect and stop them in their tracks.

Topics that will be covered:

- How do Nation State’s Intelligence Agencies operate with the intent for espionage?
- What are the threats and activities we currently see in the industry? And to what extent does this pose a risk to your organization?
- How are industries addressing these threats and what are the concerns to others organisations?
- What cyber coverage do organizations need in place to defend against these emerging APTs?
- How do organizations get the threat signal they need to effectively discern between what is a real threat or not?
- Why security efficacy across people, process and technology is the true measure of a successful security strategy?

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