Vizio OLED H1 Review & LG CX OLED comparison

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Weird how everyone jumped on the Vizio initial H1 reviews but never did follow up video comparisons after the firmware updates. I would love to see LG A1 vs Vizio H1 comparison now in late 2021. I think its the most fair Budget OLED matchup.


I bought the vizio h1 oled in April 2021 and I'm very happy with this purchase. If you buy this TV you know your not getting an lg or sony so I can live with some of the cons. But once you see the picture and the blacks and hdr on this screen you'll forget all of that. Great video 👍🏼


I just got the Vizio 65" OLED not to long ago to go with my Xbox One Series X and love it so far!!


I just bought one from Best Buy today and I will be the first to say, no regrets here. I finally updated my 120hz 40 inch lcd Vizio tv from 6 years ago. It definitely has a really good picture quality. I didn’t notice the white line around the edge but I will check more tomorrow and comment back to see if it is a thing with all of them.


Excellent review and comparison! I might be going with the Vizio here soon.


one of the best reviews out there, pretty comprehensive coverage. Rtings might go into slightly more technical detail but your review was clearly honest and actually covered everything that people would be concerned with. I live in the UK so Vizio isn't an option, so I got myself the lg cx, but if I lived in North America I would definitely consider this tv, especially if the firmware updates come in. The details in dolby vision look so good on the vizio that it actually makes me depressed about the lg. If you're not sponsored by Vizio you should be after this. I'm certain more people will buy this tv as a result of this review, even more when firmware updates come out. I wonder whether you'll provide updates in the future? Not that it will matter to me realistically but still interesting.


Thanks for being optimistic as I just bought this for $899


Excellent review. Much appreciated as I know a lot of work and time goes into these!


hey B the installer my lowly Vizio OLED is still working and I haven't had any major problems with mine since I bought it. it's had several updates since and has made the TV better. it's good enough for my bedroom use case. Plus I only paid $1000.00 for a 55 inch on sale.


Great video. No TV is perfect and I wouldn’t rely on the promise of a firmware update to fix issues as it rarely happens. With that said, I’d take an $1, 100 55 inch OLED
with minor issues over an LCD TV every day.


I was going LG, but Best Buy dropped the Vizio by $400 today ($899) for Black Friday. It was hard to beat at that price, so I snatched one up.


Just bought the 65” for $1500 from Best Buy 💪🏾 I cant imagine this price dropping too much more for Black Friday


you need to change the black level setting on the CX for the blacks to show more definition.


Nice video review mate. Only reason I chose a Panasonic HZ1500 over the LGCX and the same reason I went with the TX-DT4750B 10 years ago over the LG back then was the build issues we are seeing now and back then. Not sure why LG keeps having little issues but for me stability is king. Cheers


I love your straight forward reviews. So many get super technical, which is cool for those who understand WTF they're talking about. But I wind up skipping through those parts because it's way over my head. I love the way you get right to the point and give us your bottom line. For ordinary people who aren't technicians or engineers, your approach is so much more helpful.

Quick question. I have a couple of 9th generation Pioneer Kuros. They are gorgeous to my eye and there's zero problem with motion. I'm wondering if the newer OLEDs would blow them out of the water. If so, perhaps it's time to upgrade. If the difference is minimal, I'd prefer to just stick with what I've got until they don't work. Do you have experience with those legendary 9th gen Kuros?


Damn!!!! You drove 4 hours to get this TV to review for us viewers. Now that's dedication. I hope your channel grows and gets millions of subs because you definitely deserve it. Have a good day.


Lol'd @ "Tasty Beverage". Always makes me think of Pulp Fiction whenever I hear the word beverage.


My Vizio OLED still hanging in there Brandon.


Such a great review, and yet so torn still. Bestbuy lowered the visio to $899 for members. Wonder if that price difference is enough to buy and deal with the issues (vs $1399 sale price on CX)


Very helpful and informative video. I was really surprised to see that banding all around the edge of the Vizio.
