The Last Prism vs. Moon Lord (Expert Mode) SOLO! Terraria bossing

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I fail 5 times. Its harder if you use not a OP weapon suh as the Lunar Flare, or The Last Prism.
Set: Nebula armor
Accessories: Menacing Solar Wings(You can try to use a different tier wings that is a bit lower)
Menacing Celestial Shell
Menacing Mana Flower
Warding Sorcerer Emblem(Trying to get Celestial Embelm, but the freakijmng traveling merchant isnt selling it.)
Warding Destroyer Emblem
Warding Ankh Shield(you can place it with Obsidian Shield or Cobalt Shield)

Weapons: The Last Prism (You can use the Razor Typhoon put using the last prism is just epic)

Like and Subscribe! If we get enough likes, i will show how the Mage beats the Moon Lord without items you can get after beating moon lord(Nebula armor, The lunar Flare, etc.)

Moon lord Terraria terrarian boss hardmode expert mode
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I use a vortex beater clor bullets and beetle armor with UFO mount with no buff's. And I tp back home for heal and it works great


And Btw... you dont need all those buffs to kill him... I kill Moon Lord with Nebula Armor set, Last Prism and Only the mana regeneration potion.... and pad thai or anything that minor improves all stats (pumpkin pie, sake, etc.)
