Back To Basics 2

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Love the entire court scan by the R1 prior to initiating the service process. We must do this as First Referees each and every time when a rally is concluded and before starting the next rally.
R1 Beckon For Serve:
1. Award The Point arm
2. Blow Whistle
3. Bring The Award arm across the shoulder
1. Following the serve, move to the new receiving team side after confirm a legal alignment by the receiving team.
2. Transition is smooth, urgent but not hurried. Is there in time for the Second Hit by the offense.
Both officials Award The Point in sync. Excellent.
We want our R2 to have his entire Award The Point arm visible to the R1, not hidden behind the net support & stand.
Again, the R1 scans the entire court prior to initiating the service process. Love It.
As the R2, we need to scan both benches during the dead ball for libero replacements, timeout requests, & substitution requests. We should do this each and every dead ball following a rally and following a completed request.
R1 Beckon For Serve:
1. Award The Point arm
2. Blow Whistle
3. Bring The Award arm across the shoulder
1. Following the serve, move to the new receiving team side after confirm a legal alignment by the receiving team.
2. Transition is smooth, urgent but not hurried. Is there in time for the Second Hit by the offense.
Both officials Award The Point in sync. Excellent.
We want our R2 to have his entire Award The Point arm visible to the R1, not hidden behind the net support & stand.
Again, the R1 scans the entire court prior to initiating the service process. Love It.
As the R2, we need to scan both benches during the dead ball for libero replacements, timeout requests, & substitution requests. We should do this each and every dead ball following a rally and following a completed request.