INDUSTRIA - Two Minute Review!

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Free from Epic Games between April 25th and MAy 2nd 2024


Summary: Berlin, 9th November 1989: The streets are full of people. After four decades of division, thousands of cars are rolling across the inner-German border. The Wall is finally open! At the same time a man disappears in a secret research facility near East Berlin. His goodbye message reaches you too late. You drive back to the office, where the State Security has already destroyed all records of the research project. The complex is deserted and empty. The search for Walter takes you deep into the center of the facility - right into the heart of the universe, where time seems to stand still. The dark secret lurks - well hidden - behind the curtain. In the end, it is horrible insights and the questions of responsibility that make you dive deeper and deeper into a strange, surreal yet familiar world.

Release Date: SEP 30, 2021

Developer: Bleakmill
Publisher: Headup Games

Platforms: PC, Xbox Series X, PS5, Xbox One

Genres: FPS


"INDUSTRIA" is a first-person shooter in the vain of half life, that follows a young woman named Nora who pursues her husband into a parallel dimension over-run with killer robots. However, while the combat and level design are decent, it's a linear and shallow 4 hour experience that fails to capture the ingenuity and depth of the half-life games.

The story suffers from poor pacing and presentation, with the protagonist feeling disconnected from the most compelling aspects of the narrative, and a huge amount of story just thrown at you at the end. The ending itself is underwhelming and sudden, with the whole game just feeling like the opening level for a larger unfinished project. The surreal elements just feel derivative of clichéd student art projects, and are totally at odds with the grounded and gritty feeling of the rest of the game. Also, despite the ominous tones and atmosphere, the attempts to be scary or intimidating fall flat.

Gameplay and graphics are dated and lack polish, with clunky controls and heavily reused assets. There are only 5 enemy types that soak up bullets and can still manage to hit you after they're dead. Ammo and health management are particularly poorly implemented, with very limited ammo capacity and scarce resources hindering combat. The ammo issues force avoiding combat, but the AI is so unsophisticated that stealth is not an option. The save system too is notably bad, and I had to replay a whole 30 minute section after a very cheap death.

Overall, "INDUSTRIA" fails to deliver on its potential, offering a short, dated, and shallow experience with gameplay mechanics heavily detract from the overall experience. At best, its a mediocre game that struggles to justify its price tag.
Рекомендации по теме

in fairness wasnt this a 2 man effort? 82 worked on half life


damn i was thinking to try it out.. well guess not anymore lmfao :D :D
