Linux Command Line Full course: Beginners to Experts. Bash Command Line Tutorials

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Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell. First released in 1989, it has been used widely as the default login shell for most Linux distributions.
In this course you will learn how use bash command to accomplish various computer task.
Following Bash topics have been shown and elaborated properly.

⭐ Table of Contents ⭐
(0:00) Linux Command: cal
(0:39) Linux Command: date
(1:30) Linux Command: pwd
(3:02) Linux Command: exit
(3:05) Linux Command: Navigate bash history using arrow keys
(6:27) Linux Command: Navigate left and right using arrow keys
(7:17) Linux Command: mkdir
(9:55) Linux Command: ls1
(11:45) Linux Command: less
(18:44) Linux Command: ls2
(22:53) Linux Command: ls3
(25:06) Linux Command: ls4
(30:20) Linux Command: ls5
(32:37) Linux Command: ls6
(37:18) Linux Command: rm1
(43:50) Linux Command: Using cd to navigate to a directory using a relative path
(52:55) Linux Command: Understanding complex relative paths using . and ..
(1:02:03) Linux Command: cd2
(1:12:49) Linux Command: cd3
(1:19:09) Linux Command: cd4
(1:24:49) Linux Command: mv
(1:30:21) Linux Command: cd5
(1:34:56) Linux Command: ln1
(1:39:27) Linux Command: ln2
(1:52:57) Linux Command: file
(1:55:27) Linux Command: cp2
(1:59:00) Linux Command: cp1
(2:02:56) Linux Command: Using echo to print simple strings
(2:05:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display multi-line messages
(2:08:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display messages with escape sequences
(2:16:15) Linux Command: ls and cd
(2:23:15) Linux Command: cat
(2:28:28) Linux Command: uniq
(2:31:40) Linux Command: wc
(2:34:22) Linux Command: grep
(2:37:27) Linux Command: head and tail
(2:40:44) Linux Command: Echo
(2:43:17) Linux Command: Wildcard Expansion
(2:46:28) Linux Command: pathname expansion
(2:48:13) Linux Command: Tilde expansion
(2:49:46) Linux Command: Arithmetic expansion
(2:56:04) Linux Command: Brace expansion
(3:10:33) Linux Command: Parameter expansion
(3:16:22) Linux Command: Command substitution
(3:20:46) Linux Command: Escape characters
(3:28:14) Linux Command: Double quotes
(3:39:36) Linux Command: Single Quotes
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⭐ Table of Contents ⭐
(0:00) Linux Command: cal
(0:39) Linux Command: date
(1:30) Linux Command: pwd
(3:02) Linux Command: exit
(3:05) Linux Command: Navigate bash history using arrow keys
(6:27) Linux Command: Navigate left and right using arrow keys
(7:17) Linux Command: mkdir
(9:55) Linux Command: ls1
(11:45) Linux Command: less
(18:44) Linux Command: ls2
(22:53) Linux Command: ls3
(25:06) Linux Command: ls4
(30:20) Linux Command: ls5
(32:37) Linux Command: ls6
(37:18) Linux Command: rm1
(43:50) Linux Command: Using cd to navigate to a directory using a relative path
(52:55) Linux Command: Understanding complex relative paths using . and ..
(1:02:03) Linux Command: cd2
(1:12:49) Linux Command: cd3
(1:19:09) Linux Command: cd4
(1:24:49) Linux Command: mv
(1:30:21) Linux Command: cd5
(1:34:56) Linux Command: ln1
(1:39:27) Linux Command: ln2
(1:52:57) Linux Command: file
(1:55:27) Linux Command: cp2
(1:59:00) Linux Command: cp1
(2:02:56) Linux Command: Using echo to print simple strings
(2:05:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display multi-line messages
(2:08:44) Linux Command: Using echo to display messages with escape sequences
(2:16:15) Linux Command: ls and cd
(2:23:15) Linux Command: cat
(2:28:28) Linux Command: uniq
(2:31:40) Linux Command: wc
(2:34:22) Linux Command: grep
(2:37:27) Linux Command: head and tail
(2:40:44) Linux Command: Echo
(2:43:17) Linux Command: Wildcard Expansion
(2:46:28) Linux Command: pathname expansion
(2:48:13) Linux Command: Tilde expansion
(2:49:46) Linux Command: Arithmetic expansion
(2:56:04) Linux Command: Brace expansion
(3:10:33) Linux Command: Parameter expansion
(3:16:22) Linux Command: Command substitution
(3:20:46) Linux Command: Escape characters
(3:28:14) Linux Command: Double quotes
(3:39:36) Linux Command: Single Quotes



● cal - to show calendar
● date - to display current time and date
● pwd - location of where we are currently located
● man ___(command) - shows the manual page of command
● cd - to go somewhere else, change directory
● exit - to end a terminal session
● Using up and down keys to navigate the command history
● Using left and right arrow keys to navigate within the current command
● mkdir - to create directory
● mkdir -v - shows message for each created directory
● mkdir ___ ___ - can also create multiple directory
● mkdir ___/___ - to create directory elsewhere (if parent dir doesn’t exist, it will fail)
● mkdir -p ___/___ - creates parent dir as needed
● mkdir {2008..2017}-{01..12} - creates folders performing brace expansion

● ls - displays the content of current dir
● less (path) - to open any text file
● To exit less press Q
● less -N - to display with line numbers (when working with codes)
● Less is capable to show any language
● less (path)/* - to show several text files
● ls (path) - to show contents of non-current dir
● ls .. - refers to the parent of current dir
● ls -l (path) - to see the symbolic link of file (long listing)
● file - to see the symbolic link of file
● ls -a, -all - lists dir with hidden files
● ls -l - shows additional information for each file
● ls -lh - prints size of files in human readable format
● ls *.h - displays all files whose filenames end in .h (or any other string)
● rm - to delete files
● rm -i - prompts before every removal
● rm -v - explains what is being done
● rm -r - removes file with their content
● . - refers to the current dir
● .. - refers to the parent dir
● cd (without path) - change to the home dir
● mv ___ ___ - to move(rename) files
● mv -v ___ ___ - explains what is being done
● mv __ __ __ ___ - to move multiple files
● cd ~USERNAME - refers to the home dir of the user
● cd ~ - refers to own home dir
● ln - creates symbolic links between files
● ln target linkname - linkname links to target
● ln target - creates symbolic link to that file with the same name in the current dir
● cp source dest - to copy file to another destination
● cp dir dest - to copy dir to another destination
● cp -r dir dest - to copy dir with contents, if dest doesn’t exist it will be created
● echo - displays simple message
● echo -e - enables using backslash-escaped characters
● echo * - displays the listing of files of current dir
● echo ~USERNAME - shows the abs path of home dir of user
● echo $(( 5 + 5 )) - performs arithmetic expressions OUTPUT: 10
● echo abc{A, B, C}mm - performs brace expansion OUTPUT: abcAmm abcBmm
● echo num_{1..3} - OUTPUT: num_1 num_2 num_3 (also works for letters)
● echo $( ls ___ ) - firs, the command inside $( ) will be executed, then echo
● echo \(character) - \ is used to escape character conflicts
● grep ___ [file] - print lines matching a pattern [searches in file]
● grep -i - to ignore case sensitiveness
● grep -v - selects non-matching lines
● grep -c - prints a count of matching lines
● head [file]- prints the first 10 lines
● tail [file]- prints the last 10 lines
● head/tail -n -specifies the lines of prints


Initially, I had found this video by accident. Subsequently, I lost it. Today, I remembered the general subject matter Linux Bash and found it yet again. This is very direct and to the point. On a scale of one to five stars, it rates five stars !!!


You do an *excellent* job at simply showing what the commands do and then letting students look into the commands further. Most teachers, especially in college, tend to give far too much exposition when explaining simple concepts. While knowing about GNU is important, you certainly don't need to know where Linux came from to understand and execute a command like "pwd". Thank you for doing a great job with your teaching.


This guide is excellent I have been through several Linux bash tutorials and they would explain the simple command but with zero context. You give great context and great examples. Thank you so very much for this guide! Excellent work. 10/10.


I just found this and Lane is a awesome teacher I'm going through these lessons. I am new to Linux and he really makes things clear. thank you


(No Sarcasml seriously) Your voice is refreshing after all the tutorials I've watched. Easiest 3hrs of my life


Good, educative and informative... No clutter, no hypes... one of the best videos i have come across... You should make more content buddy... All the best!!!


Thank you sir! For providing quality content for free 😭😭


Simple straight and very well made !! I’m an admin myself and this helped me a lot in revising my basics. I must say one of the best videos I came across.
And the index is in the comments too added by the author !!
Thanks for this vid bro 👍


Dude you make the best teaching linux ever!!! Fast and to the point, nobody beats that anywhere. Thank you for saving me so much study time!!! What I learn from your teaching style is 10x faster then any youtuber!!! You really do rock!


Thanks to Lane Schwartz for a perfectly scripted lesson and equally perfect audiovisual delivery, and thanks to the Geek's Lesson Channel for making these lessons available for free. You speak to the very essence of humanity.


Awsome content . That too in free. Don't feel like skipping the add. You deserve it. Everyone please don't skip the add


OMG The understanding complex relative paths parts ALMOST killed me of boredom. And I fast forwarded, mind you! This is one of the most unnecessarily long explanation I have seen in all my years in tech!


Thank you very much for this course, it did me a great service. I like your teaching methods and the way you take the time to break down and explain all examples in details. This helped me a ton!


Really appreciate you doing this. One human to another ❤


best lerning film in Internet easy slowly from zero to 10 . nice job


Playback speed adjustment and scrubbing are clutch on this video.


So, he spent thousands of dollars for college to help us. Get this man a damn medal


Dude, you are freaking awesome. Thank you for posting this!!
