Waldenses - Lux Lucet In Tenebris | Episode 8 | Lineage

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Here, we seek to understand the Waldensian motto 'Lux Lucet in Tenebris', which translates to 'A Light out of Darkness'. The Waldensians taught young people in training schools, places of worship, and sometimes, in caves. They were often hunted and persecuted, and would have to retreat into the bowels of the earth for protection. Despite being scattered among the mountains, they would still find time to worship together in the shelter of caves - even in the darkness of these spaces, their light shone brightly.

To find out more information about the Waldenses check out our extended article.

#KnowYourHistory #Light #Darkness #LineageJourney #Waldenses #WaldenseCaves #WaldenseChurch #ChurchInTheWilderness #Church

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May we use the gifts we have, to spread HIS truth to what we really are....Rev 12:17, Rev 14:12...and what we are supposed to become...like the Waldensian's and the early church of Acts called the Nazarium...may we have the courage to stand, and stand to the end. Thank you for these beautiful productions!!!


This is another fantastic ones! Not a documentary only, but a brother who shared with his heart, the heart of His life. Thank you, Brother!


I've been to the Waldensian valley. A beautiful part of Italy. Loving the series.


The protest is not over ! We have fight the battle of the reformation again 🙏🏻


Very nice! Thank you so much for making this kind of videos. God bless you and your team!


There are still people like them. We all are children of God when we are born again and are called to spread the gosple wherever we go. Persecution continues in this spiritual Babylon and we need to endure until our Lord Jesus Christ comes back to take what is His. God bless everyone!


The plea for us to treasure the privilege we have to meet and worship in peace is more poignant in 2020...


To find out more information of the Waldenses check out our extended article.


As a descendent of Waldensian people, being Waldensian has very little to do with what day of the week one worships. Being Waldensian is about having a personal relationship with God, and sharing the Good News, and helping those less fortunate. Thats it. If i were to sum up the Waldensian ethos in one Bible Verse, it would be James 1-27. My great grandfather arrived in Valdese, NC, from Prali, Italy, as a boy in 1893.


We as God's last days people have much work to do so far as correctly educating ourselves and our children. Self-sacrifice and self-denial? Who needs these? We have largely taught our children that the world revolves around them. We give them whatever they want, whenever they want it, and we permit them to order us around with demands and excuses. Lord have mercy on us! In a sense some idolize their children.
As for teaching them to be guarded in speech; that's another story. Like many adults today, including some in high political, religious and social circles some say anything that comes in their wicked heart; children imitate it. Yes, children learn from adult EXAMPLE far more than precept. In other words, they do as we do far more often than they do as we say especially since few parents today teach children to OBEY THEM OR THE LORD.
Let us pray for repentance and reformation in this area and for the Lord's wisdom to train the younger members of His family as the Waldenses did, to be good citizens here and children fitted to live with angels and the Heavenly Family in God's Kingdom.May the Lord help us all!


i wish i existed in the times of the Waldenses


Es increíble el Señorío que tiene Dios para con sus hijos, es muy bueno, y a pesar de las persecuciones y matanzas, sus hijos se mantienen fieles a su palabra sabiendo que nuestra ciudadanía está en los cielos.
Gloria a Dios, alabanzas a su nombre, exaltemos su majestuosidad y su bendita Gracia.

The Lordship that God has for his children is incredible, it is very good, and despite the persecutions and killings, his children are faithful to his word knowing that our citizenship is in heaven.

Glory to God, praises to his name, let us exalt his majesty and his blessed Grace.

*_Lux lucet in tenebris_*


Why were the early Ethiopian believers over looked by this series but included by Ellen White in the great controversy??

"The churches of Africa held the Sabbath as it was held by the papal church before her complete apostasy. While they kept the seventh day in obedience to the commandment of God, they abstained from labor on the Sunday in conformity to the custom of the church. Upon obtaining supreme power, Rome had trampled upon the Sabbath of God to exalt her own; but the churches of Africa, hidden for nearly a thousand years, did not share in this apostasy. When brought under the sway of Rome, they were forced to set aside the true and exalt the false sabbath; but no sooner had they regained their independence than they returned to obedience to the fourth commandment" (The Great Controversy, 577-578).


These times are coming again. It's time for country living. Getting use to the simple way of living because our rights are slowly being stripped away. History will repeat itself. The signs are pointing to this very fact. Let us get ready.


Do you know of any *PRIMARY* Sources that teach that the Waldensians kept the Sabbath? I've been looking for quite some time, but can't find anything but sources, various making the claim, but not referencing any primary documentation. So any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Cheers.


My question is this: WHere did they get the Scriptures from? Were there printing machines at that time? And which version?


Sub titulos en españor por favor... gracias.


All of this is exactly what happening. There are a few history books verifying this sad and diabolical history


And my appeal is, don't waste the opportunities that you have.


It will never be over until every last Jesuit has been destroyed by YAHWEH!
