Learn CSS Grid In 25 Minutes | CSS Grid Tutorial For Beginners | CSS For Beginners | SimpliCode

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This video on "Learn CSS Grid In 25 Minutes" by Simplicode will explain the concept of CSS Grid Layout in simple words. In this CSS Grid Tutorial For Beginners, we'll let you know the syntax and usage of the CSS Grid property. When it comes to dividing a page into key areas or specifying the relationship between control components constructed from HTML primitives, CSS Grid Layout excels. Grid layout allows an author to align objects into columns and rows similar to tables. Below are the topics we are going to discuss in this CSS for beginners tutorial.

00:00 CSS Grid In 25 Minutes
00:46 What is CSS Grid Layout?
02:00 How to create a grid using CSS
08:41 CSS Properties Used within the Grid Layout

✅ What are CSS Layouts?

CSS layouts are mostly used to make websites more responsive, more aesthetically pleasing, etc.

The different CSS layouts include:
- Normal flow
- Flexbox
- Grids
- Positioning
- Multi-column design.

✅ What Is CSS Grid Layout?

With CSS Grid Layout, you can clearly define the relationship between the many components of a control made out of HTML primitives in terms of size, position, and layer.

An author can align objects into columns and rows using a grid layout, just like in tables. With CSS grid, however, a much greater number of layouts are either possible or simpler than they were with tables. For instance, child elements of a grid container could place themselves so that they truly overlap and stack, much like positioned elements in CSS.

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