Unikraft and Kubernetes

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In data center and cloud deployments, the virtual machine is the basic unit of isolation and Kubernetes has emerged as the de-facto standard for orchestration. This points to the container-in-a-vm model: the VM for isolation, and the container to seamlessly integrate with the orchestrator. But is this optimal for deployments where containers are not a requirement? Is it possible to use VMs for isolation, use Kubernetes and all of its wide array of features for orchestration, but without having to rely on containers? In this video we show KubeKraft, a novel runtime along with modifications to containers that allow for running Unikraft unikernels (specialized VMs) with Kubernetes *natively*, without any container overhead.

ACCORDION has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 ICT Cloud Computing programme under grant agreement No. 871793 The views and opinions expressed in this video are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
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