How Graphene explains the ecological crisis abrupt global warming via noncommutativity 5D negentropy

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Thermodynamics of the climate system
Martin S. Singh and Morgan E O’Neill
Citation: Physics Today 75, 7, 30 (2022);
Exact master equation for a noncommutative Brownian particle
In this work, we have also analyzed the dynamics
of the model of a free particle over a 2-sphere in a NC phase-space.
As an application, we have treated the so-called Zitterbewegung of the Dirac electron. Since it is assumed to be an observable effect, then we have traced its physical origin by assuming that the electron has an internal structure.
Spectral noncommutative geometry and quantization: a simple example
Through these constructions the positions and the momenta of the phase spaces do not commute due to the presence of a magnetic field and a dual magnetic field.
Noncommutative Phase Spaces
by Coadjoint Orbits Method
The ultraviolet catastrophe of usual space-time does not arise as long as the noncommutativity scale, or more precisely ̃p, is kept non-zero. This is yet another manifestation of the UV/IR mixing of non-commutative field theories
Sarrazin, M., & Petit, F. (2014). Exciton swapping in a twisted graphene bilayer as a solid-state realization of a two-brane model. The European Physical Journal B, 87(1). doi:10.1140/epjb/e2013-40492-5
Equivalence between domain walls and “noncommutative” two-sheeted spacetimes: Model-independent matter swapping between branes
Exciton swapping in a twisted graphene bilayer as a solid-state
realization of a two-brane model
Quantum dynamics of massive particles in a non-commutative
two-sheeted space–time
Usually, it is assumed that usual matter and matter from the hidden world cannot interact through ordinary interactions except gravitation. As a consequence, hidden matter made of hidden atoms
could exist with exactly the same internal properties as ordinary matter but would be completely undetectable for us through electromagnetic means.
In recent years however, Foot and Volkas have suggested to extend the original idea to allow a possible coupling of matter and mirror matter at the quantum level. This coupling involves some specific kind of interactions including for instance photon–mirror-photon kinetic mixing [2] and also neutrino–mirror-neutrino mass mixing [3]. These authors conclude that even if those interactions are tiny, the experimental
consequences could be dramatic. Several possible astrophysical, cosmological and physical implications of mirror matter are extensively reviewed in [2,4].
In several aspects, the two-sheeted space–time represents a discretized version of Kaluza–Klein theory in which, the fifth compact circular
dimension is replaced by discrete points. This theory also presents some specific advantages like for instance a possible explanation of the huge difference between the electroweak and the Planck scales.
In the present Letter, the NCG developed by Connes will be used to extend further the idea of a hidden sector
embedded in a 5D bulk. Our study focuses on the dynamics of a massive particle in a two-sheeted space–time
using relevant extensions of the Dirac and Pauli equations. The results of this model differ from previous works of literature essentially by the way of the particle mass is introduced into the model. It is shown that this approach leads to several interesting phenomena that could have strong observational consequences. The most noticeable ones concern two-sheeted oscillations of massive fermions in presence of an electromagnetic vector potential and a possible increase of the electric charge with the particle velocity....
Several models in brane theories, predict that massive particles are able to leave the brane and propagate freely
in the 5D bulk. However, it is usually assumed that only highly energetic particles can travel that way. Contrarily,
in our approach, a low energy particle can move in the 5D bulk as well by doing oscillations between both space–
time sheets. Still should we explain how locality and energy conservation could be satisfied in such circumstances.
Indeed, from the point of view of a “one-sheeted” observer, as we are, the behavior of such a particle would be in conflict with every known physical principles, the most noticeable ones being locality and energy conservation....So, for an hypothetical observer, able to see both sheets
simultaneously, the particle never disappears from the 5D bulk and the apparent energy violation problem in 4D is only an artifact of low dimensionality."
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Thanks Drew! This video tied lots of stuff together for me. :)


Sir James Jeans book, "Science and Music" has the Pythagorean Comma as an infinite spiral stating, "All simplicity disappears" since 3 to the 12th does not go into 2 to the 19th equally. What is not mentioned, as Alain Connes emphasizes, is that to divide the exponential "cords" or intervals back into the scale as an octave means a noncommutative inverse of spacetime so that it is 3 to the (1/19th) approximating 2 (to the 1/12th). Due to the exponential growth as time this frequency scale actually has a geometric dimension of zero since it is noncommutative and thus it is also nonlocal. "In particular, Huggett, Lizzi, and Menon (2021) illustrates the “invalidity of the notion of localizability or a point” for noncommutative geometry as the “undefinability” of “arbitrarily small separations”, however,
with smallness as to be characterized by a real number, exactly demonstrating
the incompatibility of the notion of a real value for observables, coordinates
Western science arose from the wrong Pythagorean music theory - promoted by Philolaus who was the first to introduce the term "irrational magnitude" into Western science. The Orthodox Pythagorean musicians were required to meditate on the source of sound as harmonic listening with five years of silence. This meaning is explained by Peter Kingsley who did his Ph.D. in Pythagorean philosophy at Oxford, proving it is indeed shamanic energy training - what is now explained by noncommutative relativistic quantum biology.


If you watch physicist Fred Alan Wolf's video - his TedX video - "What If All Is An Illusion?: Dr Fred Alan Wolf at TEDxReset 2011" - he makes the same point about light. So for example Fred Alan Wolf in one of his books points out that Schroedinger realized that when light is emitted by an electron the light is a subharmonic or undertone of a higher frequency - only Schroedinger could not figure out from where. The problem here is that when Schroedinger devised his wave equation he got it from de Broglie but Louis de Broglie was critiquing relativity. The basic insight of de Broglie was that as a particle goes towards the speed of light then based on quantum momentum the frequency goes up but based on relativity the time also goes up (since the wavelength gets bigger as time slows down). Based on the principle of Pythagoras that frequency is inverse to time then logically, Louis de Broglie deduced, there HAS to be a negative frequency and reverse time from the future that is secretly guiding the particle. This is Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. It is NOT taught in physics schools yet Louis de Broglie stated it was his greatest discovery!! hahaha. Pretty hilarious. That Law of Phase Harmony is also based on noncommutativity. see the video on youtube: "QC0084: Dr. Martin van der Mark: Quantum Particle, Light Clock, Or Heavy Beat Box?"


The coherent states were used in potentials different from the harmonic oscillator. In the discussion on interacting bosons and in a field theory concerning a fermionic coherent state [30]. The main motivation to investigate coherent states are the facts that
they can describe the quantum state of a laser and that they can describe superfluids and
superconductors....We can see that although the noncommutativity
of the space changes the form of the propagator, the curvature of the space does not have
the same effect.


Riemann (1854)
“Now it seems that the empirical notions on which the metric determinations of space are founded, the notion of a solid body and a light ray, cease to
be valid for the infinitely small. We are therefore quite at liberty to suppose
that the metric relations of space in the infinitely small do not conform to the
hypotheses of geometry; and we ought in fact to suppose it, if we can thereby
obtain a simpler explanation of phenomena . . .from the discovery of quantum mechanics. There physics data forced us to introduce the concept of noncommutativity.”


Try reading the article "Light is Heavy" by Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft and Martin van der Mark. Also Martin van der Mark did a follow up lecture on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. The "not simultaneously" is true since quantum physics relies on discrete measurements. Penrose emphasizes that protoconsciousness is what unifies relativity and quantum physics. As Alain Connes states our brains do an inverse Fourier transform on spacetime itself. So in other words the scientist who predicted the accelerating expansion of the Universe - but didn't receive the Nobel Prize - he also emphasizes the true mass of light is due to noncommutativity. He's in India where he's from. So since the mass of light is from momentum that is directly proportional to frequency then there is a secret 1/2 spin to light from the future. This is the point of that "light is heavy" article. All matter is actually made of light yet light does have mass since light has supermomentum or superluminal negative frequency, reverse time negentropy energy. Mainstream science considers virtual photons to be just a mathematical fiction due to renormalization - as that Matt Dowd emphasizes on the PBS Spacetime channel. This is hilarious considering experiments have already demonstrated the absorption of virtual photons to create more photons. So Matt Dowd is well proven in correct but since mainstream physics is stuck on the symmetric relativistic mathematics then it can not accept the truth of noncommutativity. As Basil J. Hiley points out there is no rest frame of a symmetric measurement and at each zero point in time there already is noncommutativity of the future and past overlapping as nonlocality. This is Martin van der Mark's big point also - that Louis de Broglie proved there is no symmetric rest frame, contrary to the claims of relativity. So the key point is that spin is neither a wave nor a particle yet spin is nonlocal as eternal time-frequency energy due to the 1/2 spin being noncommutativity.


Classical physics teaches a symmetric space based on a lie about music theory - going back to Archytas and Plato and Philolaus (as the Greek Miracle). So we have to unlearn this lie that time is derived from symmetric space. Math Professor Louis Kauffman does a good job proving that the imaginary number is actually a quantum algebra of process as what he calls "primordial time" - so I'll quote him: "Clifford algebra generators a and b such that a [squared]
= b[squared]= 1 and ab = −ba. One can take a as the iterant corresponding to a period two oscillation, and b as the time shifting operator. Then their product ab is a square root of minus one in a non-commutative con-
text." and "In this sense the square root of minus one is a clock and/or a clock/observer." And then Kauffman's work parallels Fields Medal math Professor Alain Connes who is cited by Sir Roger Penrose, Nobel Physicist:Sir Roger Penrose: "In an open universe, there is, in effect, an imaginary time, which is i times the time scale, which is also a fundamental time." Math Professor Louis Kauffman corroborates Connes claim – what Connes calls “something more primitive than the passing of time” (Connes, 2021) Kauffman calls noncommutative primordial or primitive time:
“In the notion of time there is an inherent clock and an inherent shift of phase that enables a synchrony, a precise dynamic beneath the apparent dynamic of the observed process” (Kauffman, 2018).
"Thus a primitive time makes an explicit appearance in the mathematics: time, that is, as an ordering without any of the quantitative features engendered by clocks." (Kauffman, 1995)
"A simplest and fundamental instance of these ideas is seen in the structure of i=−1−−−√. We view i as an iterant [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], a discrete elementary dynamical system repeating in time the values {⋯, −1, +1, −1, +1, ⋯}. One can think of this system as resulting from the attempt to solve i2=−1 in the form i=−1/i. Then, one iterates the transformation x⟶−1/x and finds the oscillation from a starting value of +1 or −1. In this sense, i is identical in concept to a primordial time. Furthermore, the algebraic structure of the complex numbers emerges from two conjugate views of this discrete series as [−1, +1] and [+1, −1]. We introduce a temporal shift operator η such that η[−1, +1]=[+1, −1]η and η2=1 (sufficient to this purpose). " Non-Commutative Worlds and Classical Constraints, Kauffman, 2018
You can find more details from Alain Connes in my academia dot edu uploads via my youtube links. thanks. By the way Professor Basil J. Hiley is now working to publish a paper on Connes' lecture to physicists, translated as "on quantum randomness" - it's on youtube and I transcribed it up to that academia link also.
So Penrose uses the term retrocausality which could be considered a reverse time. It does imply a "relativization" of quantum physics as Penrose explains. In fact this is what de Broglie was doing when he was critiquing relativity using quantum physics in classical terms! In both causes this is indeed from noncommutativity math with the future and past overlapping nonlocally at each zero point of spacetime (and before each zero point of spacetime!).


The specifics might differ because of incomplete math, but you agree with most of Bearden's conclusions. Energy flows in from the "imaginary time" 5th dimension, to keep the flow of EM radiation into 3-space going in our perceived 4-space. The 4-space is not time but the frequency/energy domain which we perceive, which is why entropy and negative entropy can cause things to appear to move forward and backwards in "time" when you have time symmetric 4-space waves aka phase conjugation. You're recovering something from unbroken symmetry of the 5th dimensional space

Non-commutativity means that time reversal in 4-space is not going to be perfectly reversed in 5-space, just like Bearden said this 5-space operation is an irreversible action that can allow you to get around conservation laws in the lower dimensional spaces, you can appear to violate conservation in the lower dimensional space in certain configurations of higher dimensional space which could be called "curved" spacetime, but you cannot violate conservation in the higher dimensional space without going into even higher dimensional symmetries. Maybe after 4-wave mixing there can be 8-wave mixing effects that have even more unusual effects on what we perceive as "time".

Larry Reed uses the concept of de Broglie matter waves and time-reversal to predict gravity and anti-gravity as consequences of frequency synchronization of the clock that is the wave-particle as fundamental quantum harmonic oscillator. It's a very musical description of gravity/anti-gravity. Dissonance and consonance in de Broglie matter waves creates this spectral density that follows the geodesic curve we think of as gravity.

I agree that motion is an illusion, rest frame is an illusion, nothing is really moving. Each point of a matter wave is arising and falling in a rhythmic cycle at adjacent points in the phase space, creating the illusion of a solid object translating, really it's just phasing along in a higher dimensional space, the apparent "wave" of the de Broglie matter wave is just the arising and falling seen from the lower dimensional space, which to us looks like a wave and its time reversed counterpart overlapping in space and time, from the past and future. The potentials in our lower dimensional perception of spacetime are appearing and disappearing by interference, "jitterbugging" as it were.

At least according to Larry Reed's Quantum Wave Mechanics models, Gravitational acceleration and proper acceleration have the inertial and non-inertial effects they have due to two types of transformation of the standing matter wave. Gravity does not cause relativistic Lorentz Doppler transforms so it doesn't cause distortion of the standing wave, just a shift in the peak over each de Broglie matter wave cycle, it experiences 'free fall'. While proper relativistic acceleration causes a Lorentz-Doppler wave transformation that distorts the de Broglie matter wave to cause length contraction and frequency shift which at the macro scale appears as G forces/fictitious force/inertial forces.


This is another totally off topic question. Have you seen the lecture here on YouTube by Jean Pierre Petite phD on Magnetohydrodynamic propulsion?

Petit authored a short book on his laboratory work in computational fluid dynamics called "The Silence Barrier" and he was the first person in the public scientific community to develop a practical model for MHD engines that could accelerate air plasma to supersonic speeds and then DECELERATE that plasma to subsonic speeds around an aircraft so that it would not produce a sonic boom, but rather cause laminar flow around the airframe without vacuum cavitation. I suspect that some of the UFO reports since the 1970s at least may have been based on this same principle of toroidal airflow using MHD accelerator/generators. The ideal shape for the MHD engine like this is your stereotypical flying saucer, but Petit also shows engines shaped like cylinders and spheres, as well as the conventional wing shaped aircraft with MHD bypass engines like the Russian AYAKS space plane.


we will establish the equivalence between the motion in a central field and the free particle over the 2-sphere. It turns out that the central potential is proportional to the curvature of the surface. Then, constrained systems may be also a suitable analogue formalism to introduce general relativity, once Einstein interpreted gravity as a deformation of space-time due to the presence of mass [9]
since both of them are supposed to provide the proper evolution over the surface where the model is defined, the first in the phase space and the former, in the configuration space. Although all the calculations are performed classically, we discuss an application in the quantum realm. We set one possible interpretation of the so-called Zitterbewegung, a quivering motion predicted by Schr ̈odinger when he scrutinized the Dirac equation [11]. The time evolution of electron position operators may be separated in two parts: one in a rectilinear movement and the other oscillates in a ellipse as trajectory, resembling the physical variables of a free particle over a 2-sphere. Thus, the Zitterbewegung may be interpreted as a position variable constrained to a 2-sphere if we assume an internal structure to the electron.


"We will demonstrate that there is a correction to Newton’s second law thanks to the curved
configuration of the phase-space, which shows that the space configuration alone can bring
consequences to the result. Namely, we will see that in flat space, what causes a NC
correction in the potential function. In the 2-sphere curved space we will see that there is a
NC correction without the existence of a potential effect over the Planck’s scale, we have only the curved spaces and, if it does mean that we have naturally quantum features and gravity. Since both curvature and gravity are connected, we could now add another ingredient and say that quantization curvature and gravity are intrinsically connected through noncommutativity. In other words, a curved space can have hidden quantum features that are disclosed since its space coordinates obey a NC Poisson bracket algebra since the equations of motion are NC."


"Its discovery indicates that green plants we see today can be traced back to at least 1 billion years ago, and they started in the ocean before they expanded their territory to the land, " study lead researcher Qing Tang, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Geosciences at Virginia Tech, told Live Science in an email.


Pliocene and Eocene provide best analogs for near-future climates
Our study suggests that climates like those of the Pliocene will prevail as soon as 2030 CE and persist under climate stabilization scenarios. Unmitigated scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions produce climates like those of the Eocene, which suggests that we are effectively rewinding the climate clock by approximately 50 My, reversing a multimillion year cooling trend in less than two centuries.
