The Hidden Danger of Credit Limit Increases: High Credit Utilization Exposed

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The Hidden Danger of Credit Limit Increases: High Credit Utilization Exposed
why applying for credit card while your credit utilization is skyhigh
wait do not apply for credit cards or credit limit increases until you have lowered your credit utiization Stop do not apply or ask for credit limit increases if your credit utilization is high what your literally telling the banks is I maxed out my current card and I can’t handle my current credit but you should trust me with more credit there is no way even if they do approve you for a credit limit increase it will be something like a small increase like a $500 to 1,000 dollar limit which is nothing wait until your credit limit utilization is low then you go and ask for credit limit increases and applying for cards #creditcards #navyfederal #navyfederalcreditunion
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