Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani: Like The Head Of A Camel ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder

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Special thanks to Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani
This is Gabriel Al Romaani for The Daily Reminder.
My Dear brothers and sisters , what is more important for a Muslim after establishing tawheed of Allah subhanwataa'al a. After establishing that He is the only one worthy of worship, that he is the one who has created us, that He is the one who has sent the messengers to warn us, to give us hidayah, to guide us and to tell us what to abstain from and what to do, and what are the ways towards jannah and what is the way to abstain & to protect ourselves from hell fire. What is more important than worshipping this lord right now? If we've establish that Allah subhanwataa'ala is the one and only, then this requires now that we worship Allah subhanwaataa'ala. And Allah subhanwaataa'ala has prescribed for us the five daily prayers. The five daily prayers are the body, the soul, the driving force of our worship to Allah subhanwaataa'ala.
This is the main thing as the Prophet sallahahu alaihi wasallam said in a hadeeth that, 'the prayer is like the head of the camel and the jihad is like the hump of the camel. If you cut the head of the camel (prayers) the camel is dead. If you cut the hump of the camel, the camel is (pay attention) paralysed!' SubahaanAllah! Ya'ani let us look at the status of the ummah, some of us are dead & some of us are paralyzed, may be actually subahaanAllah, most of the ummah is paralyzed! Brothers and sisters, this is the basic thing, Allah subhnaawataa'ala is actually telling us, ordering us.
aqimis salaata li zulukhish shamsi il'la ghasaqish laili wa quraanal fajr . inna quraan'nal fajri kana mash'hooda
Allah is telling us, it is an order, establish salaah. Not that...pray here. Establish it! Establishing salaah does not mean that you kinda roll out of the bed. Allahu Akbar! Do I have wudhu, I don't have wudhu, may be go back to sleep. No! Establishing salaah is a system, its your life! It is your individual relationship with Allah subhnawaataa'ala as well as the communal relationship with Allah subhnawaataa'ala. That you join your brothers, that you join your sisters and establish salaah. That you go to the masjid, that you establish this salaah. With the jama'ah (with the people) this is something very important.
Brother! Sister! If we don't pay, If you don't pray, what is the purpose of your life? What do you do? Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you this eyes that you are watching right now this video with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you the sight that you are listening to this audio with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you these hands that you can point with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you these legs that you can walk on, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you this heart that beats and pumps the blood and oxygen into your cells, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you the feeling, the sensory receptors that can help you feel and touch, smell, taste!
Brothers & sisters don't you need Allah? This is the beginning! You are sinner and you are sitting there and saying I am a sinner. Okay good. This is the beginning...start praying! Make tawba (repent). This is the way to make tawba! Make that sujood. Prolong it as the Prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam said, you want jannah? Help be by prolonging your sujood. Prolong your sujood & ask Allah subhnawaataa'ala ar rahman ar Rahim to forgive you and forgive me.
Special thanks to Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani
This is Gabriel Al Romaani for The Daily Reminder.
My Dear brothers and sisters , what is more important for a Muslim after establishing tawheed of Allah subhanwataa'al a. After establishing that He is the only one worthy of worship, that he is the one who has created us, that He is the one who has sent the messengers to warn us, to give us hidayah, to guide us and to tell us what to abstain from and what to do, and what are the ways towards jannah and what is the way to abstain & to protect ourselves from hell fire. What is more important than worshipping this lord right now? If we've establish that Allah subhanwataa'ala is the one and only, then this requires now that we worship Allah subhanwaataa'ala. And Allah subhanwaataa'ala has prescribed for us the five daily prayers. The five daily prayers are the body, the soul, the driving force of our worship to Allah subhanwaataa'ala.
This is the main thing as the Prophet sallahahu alaihi wasallam said in a hadeeth that, 'the prayer is like the head of the camel and the jihad is like the hump of the camel. If you cut the head of the camel (prayers) the camel is dead. If you cut the hump of the camel, the camel is (pay attention) paralysed!' SubahaanAllah! Ya'ani let us look at the status of the ummah, some of us are dead & some of us are paralyzed, may be actually subahaanAllah, most of the ummah is paralyzed! Brothers and sisters, this is the basic thing, Allah subhnaawataa'ala is actually telling us, ordering us.
aqimis salaata li zulukhish shamsi il'la ghasaqish laili wa quraanal fajr . inna quraan'nal fajri kana mash'hooda
Allah is telling us, it is an order, establish salaah. Not that...pray here. Establish it! Establishing salaah does not mean that you kinda roll out of the bed. Allahu Akbar! Do I have wudhu, I don't have wudhu, may be go back to sleep. No! Establishing salaah is a system, its your life! It is your individual relationship with Allah subhnawaataa'ala as well as the communal relationship with Allah subhnawaataa'ala. That you join your brothers, that you join your sisters and establish salaah. That you go to the masjid, that you establish this salaah. With the jama'ah (with the people) this is something very important.
Brother! Sister! If we don't pay, If you don't pray, what is the purpose of your life? What do you do? Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you this eyes that you are watching right now this video with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you the sight that you are listening to this audio with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you these hands that you can point with, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you these legs that you can walk on, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you this heart that beats and pumps the blood and oxygen into your cells, Allah subhanwaataa'ala gave you the feeling, the sensory receptors that can help you feel and touch, smell, taste!
Brothers & sisters don't you need Allah? This is the beginning! You are sinner and you are sitting there and saying I am a sinner. Okay good. This is the beginning...start praying! Make tawba (repent). This is the way to make tawba! Make that sujood. Prolong it as the Prophet sallahu alaihi wasallam said, you want jannah? Help be by prolonging your sujood. Prolong your sujood & ask Allah subhnawaataa'ala ar rahman ar Rahim to forgive you and forgive me.