Loading and running Hunt the Wumpus on Univac 1219B military mainframe

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Univac designed this computer to control radar and weapons on a U.S. Navy cruiser or destroyer ship. No surprise that someone made Hunt the Wumpus for it. :)
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Programmers are people who have, usually, quite a sense of humor. When TERRIER used the US Navy C-152 computer (UNIVAC 1219B with 32-kbytes of 18-bit memory), to identify which version of the program was running (not really needed on a ship, but it sure helped at our test facility!), the two top-center registers on the front of the machine had a light pattern displayed that was unique for each program (set during the short dead time between the 32-times-per-second program cycle rate). In most cases the pattern was something simple like an alternating on/off light in a zig-zag or some other such pattern that just needed a couple of instructions to do. One day we got a new program from the main programming company contracted by the Navy to write the TERRIER fire-control and test software (we at NSMSES did small changes to correct bugs and minor updates only in-house and sent them to the ships as tape "patch" changes in-between major fire-control system upgrades from that contractor, which did not happen often). We turned it on and instead of the simple alternating light pattern, the upper register had a single light sweeping slowly back and forth: A Cylon Warrior eye from Battlestar Galactica! They must have known that we were using the same Techtronix Company equipment used in that show -- for real in our case -- and one of their programmers created a small routine to create this display, which was a much longer piece of code than a mere reverse on/off lamp sequence. We laughed quite a bit for some time over this...


This is awesome. See Wikipedia, under Hunt the Wumpus: "At some unknown point it was ported to run on a UNIVAC 1219B used by the US Navy for firing solutions." I assumed that it was a joke.


A teletype model 35 printer working perfectly! HAHA. I had this same model as a console for a U-9400 at our local army administration. It worked until 1989, when the 9400 was turned off for the last time and went scrap.


When will we see DOOM running on it! :P
